Friday, September 16, 2005

GUNS Magazine: "The Black Arrow" Review

We hear the Second Amendment is the ultimate guarantor of liberty, but how many of us take those abstract words and comprehend their ultimate consequences? If the time comes when Americans must again take up arms against tyranny, how many will be able to set aside a lifetime of conditioning and initiate force against those in power?

This is the world of The Black Arrow, the first novel by syndicated columnist Vin Suprynowicz.

My review from the Sept. 2005 issue of GUNS is now online. Click here to read it.

It's For the Children

"The Dutch government plans to open an electronic file on every child at birth as a tool to spot and protect the troubled kids of the future.

"Beginning Jan. 1, 2007, all citizens will be tracked from cradle to grave in a single database — including health, education, family and police records — the health ministry said Tuesday."

Yeah, it's being done to everyone now so they can "protect the troubled kids of the future."


[Thanks to John Schaefer]

LA Gun Sales Surge

Maybe some of these buyers will be curious enough to learn about the threat to their being able to own guns--and motivated enough to join with those trying to do something about that.

Nope, I Won't Be Seeing "The Lord of War"

"But nine out of 10 war victims are killed by guns. It's the AK-47 that's a weapon of mass destruction."

Yeah, this moron will be getting my money real quick.

High Praise for "The Black Arrow"...

...and a not-so-gentle verdict on Laissez Faire Books and their decision not to stock it.

"Don't Blame US"

"Canadians shouldn't blame their southern neighbour for the spike in gun-related violence in Toronto, says the U.S. ambassador in Ottawa."

Yeah--David Wilkins says we're doing everything we can.

First off, the bad guys are buying their guns illegally, he says, in violation of Canadian and US gun laws.

And because we've established that these laws are useless at stopping evil people from getting guns, but plenty good at harassing citizens, we've imported a BATFU field office. Plus we're going to bring in technology that costs a lot of money--but doesn't really tell us anything except who the last person in the chain of custody who obeyed the law was.

Good grief.