Friday, September 30, 2005

On the Schumer/Feinstein CCWs

Jim Kouri of the National Association of Chiefs of Police writes:

At the same time, there are outspoken opponents of gun ownership, such as Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Diane Feinstein (D-CA), who are carrying concealed weapons, according to WABC Radio's Mark Levin.

Naturally, I'm trying to track down as much information as I can about these claims, including who the permit-issuing authorities are.

I called Landmark Legal Foundation, which Mr. Levin heads, and spoke with Eric Christensen. Mr. Christensen called Mr. Levin and then called me back, telling me the information for Sen. Feinstein came from Wikipedia/, and the Schumer information "was from a cop from New Jersey who called in to Mark's show."

I let Mr. Christensen know that any further information that becomes known on this will be appreciated, and will keep my eyes and ears open. I'll try to track down that Wikipedia link later today. If somebody gets to it sooner, please let me know.


The Feinstein Wikipedia link, which doesn't appear to address this, is here, and the link, which does, is here. The Feinstein information has been around for some time--I don't know if it is still current--I've also read claims that she now has a US Marshal's badge allowing her to carry anywhere, but only bring it up because it's on topic, not because I can prove it.

Bottom line--if these claims are true, there's not much specificity to them, and the tracks have been covered well, at least beyond my limited ability to investigate.

What the Hell is Wrong With People?

Some northwest Louisiana gun shops saw an increase in sales in the weeks following Hurricane Katrina and owners attribute it to New Orleans area residents planning to return home.

I just don't get it. Talk about making a bad situation worse! Don't they know that guns cause violence? Only the police are professional enough to carry guns, and they will give you all the protection you need.


"We Want Your Visit to be Safe and Positive"

The propaganda the Bradys are disseminating at Florida airports to scare off tourists really does show how sick these people are.

Here's their main handout, urging visitors to "take sensible precautions" while promulgating their deranged fantasy that life's setbacks prompt normal people to respond with lethal force.

Another handout, "The Brady Backgrounder," says Florida is "LICENSING AND IMMUNIZING PARANOID VIOLENCE."

To prove their point, the following scenario is posited:

Imagine, if you will, the times in your life when you’ve been afraid of another human being: A motorist who threatened you on the highway, a group of teenagers who threatened you on a street corner, a homeless man who harassed you and called you names for refusing to give him spare change, a drunk in a bar who tries to pick a fight.

Now imagine that you killed all those people. Imagine that everyone killed all the people that ever gave them a nervous adrenalin rush.

Good Lord. That has to be one of the sicker fantasies I've seen. Whoever came up with it could use a mental health professional to get to the root of their neurotic distrust. And they call us paranoid?

Perhaps it would be helpful to remind visitors that being armed really does deter crime--as evidenced by all those tourists targeted a few years back because Florida citizens were--which influenced the predators to seek out easier prey.