Monday, October 03, 2005

It's Miers

What's the recurring line from Star Wars?

I don't have a good feeling about this.

It's not exactly like previous judicial nominees have filled me with confidence.

What do you think the odds are she recognizes military firearms as vital tools of liberty that belong in the hands of the people?

UPDATE: She's been "pre-approved by Senate Democratic leadership"?

We're screwed.

UPDATE: Via Drudge (no story link yet, just a headline under a flashing alarm): "BUSH COURT PICK GAVE MONEY TO CLINTON, GORE"

NRA-now is NOT the time to be silent on this.

Giuliani to Mull 2008 Decision Next Year

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said Sunday he will contemplate next year whether to run for president in 2008.

Giuliani on Gun Control:

All gun owners should pass written test.

I do not think the government should cut off the right to bear arms. My position for many years has been that just as a motorist must have a license, a gun owner should be required to have one as well. Anyone wanting to own a gun should have to pass a written exam that shows that they know how to use a gun, that they’re intelligent enough and responsible enough to handle a gun. Should both handgun and rifle owners be licensed...we’re talking about all dangerous weapons.

Mayor's Message:

To purchase a gun in the State of New York you have to give your full name, your date of birth, your residence, your occupation. You have to prove that you're a United States citizen, you have to show you are of good character, competency and integrity. And you have to demonstrate a real need for the weapon.

And thanks in part to our stricter gun control laws, crime is down dramatically in New York City. Shootings are down over 50 percent. Murder is down over 50 percent. But the fact is that 90 percent of the guns we take out of the hands of criminals in New York City come from out of the State of New York.

We need a federal law that bans all assault weapons, and if in fact you do need a handgun you should be subjected to at least the same restrictions -- and really stronger ones -- that exist for driving an automobile.

The United States Congress needs to pass uniform licensing for everyone carrying a gun.

If this guy gets the nomination, GOP betrayal of gun owners will be complete.

And yes, I anticipate no shortage of desperate cowards stammering indignant disagreement and telling us if we don't vote for Rudy we'll get Hillary and then really lose our gun rights.

Just remember this: Regardless of what edicts are passed and who is in charge, we won't lose them unless we surrender them.

We're dealing with nothing less than the enemies of human dignity and freedom. Did anyone really think it would always remain easy and civil?

Local Developer Takes Dead Aim at the NRA

Here's the inside poop on the co-founder of the American Hunters and Shooters Association, Jon Rosenthal. You will not find a more committed enemy of gun rights.

Incidentally, my GUNS article on AHSA got backed up a month--I felt it more important to bump it for one about about the happenings in New Orleans.