Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Gun Sales Up Since Hurricanes

Nothing like a little reality to show people what they can expect in an emergency--if the hurricanes had a silver lining, it was to wake people up to the fact that they'll need to be able to protect themselves when disaster strikes.

The Brady's have lost the "You should rely on the police to protect you" sound bite from their arsenal of lies.

Arnold Returns AB 996

In explaining why he didn't sign Mark Ridley-Thomas' gun store harassment bill that would have required all ammo to be kept behind the counter, Schwarzenegger explained "I have just signed SB 48 by
Senator Scott into law which will ensure those underage will no longer be purchasing ammunition."

No, it won't. That's like saying signing a bill binding on Rite-Aid and Sav-On will ensure those underage will no longer be purchasing drugs.

What SB 48 does is take away affirmative defense that a seller did not know a handgun ammunition purchaser was under 21. And isn't it curious that someone old enough to be trusted in Iraq is deemed too young to be trusted in California.

What did Mr. Coxe say?

It's good that Arnold didn't sign AB 996. But the "good news" seems to be all we're hearing about from the lobbyists. He should have returned SB 48 unsigned as well.

UPDATE: David Hardy reports one further bit of gun control The Hessian signed:
[It] authorizes arraignment judges to forbid domestic violence defendants to own arms (i.e., to forbid possession by a person charged with, but not found guilty of, the offense. So much for innocent until proven guilty).

Is groping considered violence?

Why the Silence, Mr. LaPierre?

"The Supreme Court is going to be crucial to the future of the Second Amendment, and President Bush will appoint justices that respect the Bill of Rights," NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre told The Associated Press...

Why did NRA not issue an announcement to gun owners during the confirmation process for new Chief Justice John Roberts concerning his stand on the Second Amendment? Why have they been silent on Harriet Miers?

Mr. LaPierre is right--this is crucial to the future of the Second Amendment. Gun owners deserve better at this time than silence from an organization that takes such pride in its "enormous clout in Washington."

LA Citizen Disarmament Continues

According to a report that aired on the Lehrer News Hour on Thursday, displaced New Orleans residents are being allowed to move into a trailer and RV compound called "FEMA City," but the conditions for residency include a ban on firearms.
The head of FEMA, of course, is appointed by "pro-gun" George Bush.
[KABA Newslinks]