Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Demonizing Condi

Michelle Malkin reports that USA Today doctored a photograph of Condoleezza Rice to make her look demonic.

I cannot believe that government-recognized journalists would stoop to such low tactics. Seeing as how us lowly bloggers don't make the grade, who are we to trust for reliable information?

The WMDs Have Been Found!

Najee Ali finalized with a strong sentiment, citing that “Guns are weapons of mass destruction that are used to kill people. We demand that Paramount Pictures remove these negative images of death and destruction, images that our young children are influenced by.”

50 Cent does sound like a lovely man. Leave it to rich liberal Hollywood producers to get in bed with him in pursuit of the Almighty Dollar.

But Najee Ali needs to get his head out of his hindquarters and come to grips with the fact that disarming people has historically been a terrible idea, particularly as it pertains to blacks and freedom.

Dipping Into South Africa's "Gun Pool"

Johannesburg - About 17 000 police firearms were reported lost or stolen between 1990 and 2003 - about 1nbsp;000 [as appearing in original--DC] a year or 108 a month...

"I can't say how many of the firearms reported lost or stolen by the police have been used in violent crimes, but I know that the police use Z88 service pistols. These firearms are one of the types used regularly in violent crimes..."

So the government that can't control the weapons they've appropriated wants people to believe controlling privately-owned weapons will make everything all better in terms of "gun crimes".

And remember--those are only the missing firearms "reported."