Words Have Meaning

Although Congress had prohibited both the possession and transfer of automatic firearms, as Judge Alito noted in his opinion, only the provision that banned possession, not transfer, was before his court in Rybar.

You'd think the professional wordsmiths at The Washington Post would know that, wouldn't you?

Oh...they do?

.50 Caliber Frauds

That kind of power has drawn a customer base of gun enthusiasts, Hollywood actors..."It's like, what does a 55-year-old man do with a Corvette? You drive it around and enjoy it," said Barrett, 51, whose customers include doctors, lawyers, movie makers and actors. "I know all the current actors who are Barrett rifle shooters, some Academy Award-winning people. But they don't publicize it. They love to play with them and have fun. Shooting is very fun."

So aside from having "fun," what are these privileged dilettantes doing to help shoulder the load of protecting the right to keep and bear arms? Hollywood's public statements overwhelmingly disparage guns in a very high-profile manner.

It's pretty much the same with pampered, overpaid sports "heroes," who own guns at a higher rate than the general populace while their leagues and teams, and the networks and advertisers that bring them into American homes, help fuel the anti-defense propaganda machine.

Where are the rich and notable individuals willing to step to the forefront on the Second Amendment--to use their talents and positions to proclaim the truth, and to pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to the cause of liberty?

Ain't gonna happen. They're too focused on the universe revolving around their navels. If things are going to change, those of us without famous names or fabulous wealth are going to be the ones to make it happen.

"Reform" BATFU?

Finally---I've said this before, and will say it again---the ATF is not immune to Congressional pressures and concerns, and at the end of the day the Congress can go a long way towards reforming ATF if it wants to. The "if it wants to" requires people who are willing to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Be part of the solution by continuing to express your concerns to your Congressinal representatives.

How do you "reform" an agency that's built on an unconstitutional premise?

Isn't this another way of saying if they turn the heat down a notch, it might keep the frog from jumping?

[Via Triggerfinger]

The Left Lane is for Pacing

It is bad enough that said bastard is camping in the left hand lane, but to add insult to injury the Metro is overtaking the other two cars in the right hand lane at the stately pace of just over a foot per minute.

I have a feeling Kirk at Fun Turns to Tragedy speaks for a lot of us on this.