Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More Media-Generated Hysteria

Liberty 1st explores the careful selection of words designed to elicit the most fear and loathing.

This is actually scary, because it's a bellwether--the more comfortable so-called "mainstream news" outlets are to engage in outright propaganda, the more conditioned they must believe the masses have become. On the flip side, the elites running the editorial departments aren't businessmen, and a combination of leftist arrogance and competion from "new media" (i.e., you're here reading a blog instead of a newspaper) have contributed to decreases in readership and plunging profits for many of the majors.

Dumb Idea

Gun Legislation & Politics in New York warns us about an assembly bill to require "smart guns."

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A Prometheus Award Nomination For The Black Arrow

From "The Libertarian":
Vin Suprynowicz's The Black Arrow has been nominated for the Libertarian Futurist Society's 2006 Prometheus Award, honoring the best libertarian novel of 2005. The Black Arrow is one of nine books nominated for the award this year. (The deadline for nominations is February 15th.)

The Black Arrow, Vin's first novel, peers 30 years ahead into our future to predict the havoc and hazards caused by government run amok -- when people who've grown fed up with brutality and tyranny are finally willing to fight to take back their freedom. Themes in The Black Arrow are often eerily and sometimes tragically reminiscent of recent headlines. Vin's long and energetic career as a noted (or notorious?) libertarian journalist has stocked his impressive literary arsenal with an endless supply of factual outrages to draw from. Characters and scenes in The Black Arrow ring true, especially to readers of Vin's previous books, Send In the Waco Killers and The Ballad of Carl Drega.

I really enjoyed this book and believe you will, too.

If Only California Had a Waiting Period...

Police say the 41-year-old Singler then ran outside the store and shot himself. Investigators say Singler apparently brought ammunition for the weapon with him.
The planets must be going through a phase or something--first the judge, then Uncle Hiccup and now this...

You Couldn't Just Try Breathing Into a Paper Bag?

A Colombian man who tried to startle his nephew from a bout of the hiccups by pointing a gun at him, accidentally pulled the trigger and killed him.
Sounds like we need to disarm you and me to keep tragedies like this from ever happening again.

You Could'a Been a Contender...

"You could be a leader in the community," Greenspan said. "All those guns that's why Desmond is gone now, because of all those guns."
Good Lord.

It had nothing to do with character or intent or action, did it, judge?

