Friday, June 30, 2006

Citizen's Self-Arrest Form

You know you're guilty of something...

[Thanks to John Schaefer]

"If You Really Cared About the People That Elected You..."

I was copied on an email related to yesterday's "Be Careful What You Wish For" post, and got permission to share it with WarOnGuns visitors.
Dear Mayor Seng,

The arrogance of elitist politicians never ceases to amaze me. Thankfully, those who wish to truly educate themselves and are transparently committed to serving and protecting the public understand that simple relationship between criminals and the law. Specifically that the first don't care about the latter.

I won't waste my fingers trying to convince you that your local ban actually makes the good citizens of Lincoln LESS safe. If you really cared about the people that elected you, a little research on your part would open those eyes right up. But then you might actually have to admit that you had no idea what you were talking about and that would be quite unpleasant. Wouldn't it?

Anyway, I'm sure you'll be instructing all local law enforcement officers to lend their support and encouragement to all those good citizens who wish to obey the law and begin carrying their weapons openly for all to see. That should certainly put all those battered women's minds at ease. The irony for you is - That's exactly what it SHOULD do.

J.T. McAdams
Louisville, KY

We're the Only Ones Backing You Up Enough

Charleston Police Capt. Tim Tucker's gun should have been in his holster instead of his desk drawer when his partner Sgt. Eric Johnson was shot earlier this month in a Kanawha City motel parking lot, city officials said Thursday...

[Johnson] called his own ambulance, called backup, gave Metro 911 a vehicle description and voiced concern multiple times that he could not find Tucker...

Tucker had Johnson's handheld radio, but it was tuned to the wrong frequency when he tried to use it after the shooting and he dropped it...
I don't know that keeping the gun in his drawer wasn't the safest place for it.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

What's the Big Deal?

What's the big deal about Mayor Frank Melton wearing a handgun? The way things are going in Jackson, it's not a bad idea to be armed.
Here's the "big deal," George.

Jersey City Creates New Law to Enforce

"New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the country," Caso said. "The illegal guns on the street are coming from outside New Jersey. What we need is better enforcement of the law, not penalizing law abiding citizens."
Sorry, Frank. Are you going to use that same argument against their next attack? And the next?

You just lost any sympathy I might have had for you.

This Day in History: June 30

On this day in 1775, the Continental Congress drafts its rationale for taking up arms against Great Britain in the Articles of War.