Tuesday, August 22, 2006

An Act of Faith

RADLEY BALKO SAYS let's start a blogstorm with this 13-minute YouTube video from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.
I won't have time to watch this until when I get home this evening, but if Claire Wolfe says it's worth promoting, that's good enough for me.

A Snitch Line I Could Support

In an effort to crack down on violent crime in New Orleans, the federal government announced it is "reestablishing" a gun hotline, which allows citizens to report the illegal use and possession of firearms around the clock...

"I encourage the citizens of New Orleans to take back their neighborhoods by calling (504) 581-GUNS," Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said at a press conference on Monday.
I agree. Start by fingering NOPD, and reporting their possession of firearms illegally confiscated from citizens during Hurricane Katrina.

We're the Only Ones Who Don't Compute Enough

An LAPD narcotics officer will be investigated for the "negligent" firing of a handgun that discharged while being cleaned, putting a bullet into an office computer, it was announced Monday.
Hey, if the "handgun...discharged" and "the incident occurred," why are they investigating the poor "Only One"?

Oh, you mean that's "authorized journalist" code for he fired the gun?

When a President Betrays His Country

Recent papers released from the Clinton Presidential Library reveal a well-orchestrated and clearly defined roadmap to impose severe restrictions on firearm owners, manufacturers, and dealers. Perhaps the most sinister is the deliberate attempt to financially cripple firearm manufacturers and dealers via class action lawsuits.
Jennifer Freeman weighs in on the Clinton plot to disarm Americans.

Now might be a good time to ask: If the next democrat presidential candidate is Hillary Clinton, will you hold your nose and vote for John McCain or Rudolph Giuiliani?

As I've said before, I'm just trying to determine the "pragmatists'" tolerance threshold for tyranny, and where their line in the sand is.