Monday, September 18, 2006

Escaping the Village III: An Indictment on All of Us

The following is a guest editorial by Fight islam Now:

When one of your site visitors wrote that as an attorney he saw no modern basis for the second amendment it drew no agrument. The subsequest testimony you printed last week brought up the second amendment and dismissed the argument...and this does not produce strident comment???

You posted a letter positing that the second amendment had been rendered meaningless, that it had become a mere cynical fund raising ploy. That drew comments from 6 distinct individuals on a site that draws thousands a day? On the RKBA site when I log on for my daily news I am "one of 87 - 450 persons logged on at that time" - This translates to NO INTEREST IN THE TOPIC.

A million people may begin to have some voice but a hundred...a hundred is just a few more than the dead and forgotten at the Branch Davidian "compound" in Waco. You often bring up the possibility that people in numbers may have some effect and just this week in one of your postings you mentioned the 81 million gun owners and 400 showed up type thing. Our "side" shows no numbers.

Our "side" has enough persons with the willingness, interest, guts and foresight to stand up despite their comfort and not kiss the Pharaoh'’s ring to make us an easy and obvious scapegoat for totalitarian government and a super photo op for the coming "one world" infrastructure that is being built by the day.

Based on the numbers (81 million gun owners that can'’t / won'’t coalesce) against an apparent continental or international plan to open or erase our borders, average our laws with the countries of the continent and the world, create ever increasing webs of laws that can not be understood or abided by - can it be long before gun owners are out of favor and marginalized as a group?

Friends of mine who are police officers have been telling me for some time that there is a trend in law enforcement that the criminals are the "customers" and then there is everybody else. The theory being that the criminals drive the system and employment not the law abiding. The converse of this thinking is that a) check every citizen to see if they are a customer and b) Law abiding citizens are not customers and possible enemies. It'’s just good marketing to convert "citizens" to "customers".

Among the comments of posters on the topic (and we can admit it is a widely held sentiment) was that "when the time comes, I won'’t register my guns" or "I'’ll bury my guns" or "If they come for my guns we'’ll all be dead" ad nauseum and that is fine and I hold that sentiment myself in principal. HOWEVER, it is easy to hide your guns and be under the radar if you have 3 or 10 but if you have 500 or a thousand you won't be viewed as a collector you will be viewed as an enemy of the state and you will not hide or be hidden when they start compiling 4473's. Didn't the FBI kill Vicky Weaver and Sammy Weaver over one machine gun transfer?

But will you take to the hills? Hell, the Weavers were in the hills!

The second amendment has seemingly been rendered entirely symbolic. If you look at McCain-Feingold (limits on the most fundamental first amendment protected speech), Kelo (eminent domain expansion) and increasing narrowing of the fourth amendment, a reasonable person can conclude that the constitution as a whole is on a path toward meaninglessness.

Those us of that believe (romantically) in the constitution and that the second amendment secures all other rights are being sold out and screwed by absolute lowest common denominator traitors at every level of government installed by a comfortable and illiterate population of easily manipulated TV watchers. MY CHILDREN ARE BEING SCREWED!

"We" have built a welfare mommy state and we vote our own entitlement. I am losing faith that the government is acting in the best interest of the US and not the un. I am starting to fall to the one worlders' conspiratorial views because I can not see freedom or sovereignty as the basis for anything going on legislatively or in the courts. AND TO GET THERE THEY WILL HAVE TO TAKE OUR GUNS. If not from you and me then from our children. Let's call a spade a spade now and not wait to be told.

I am not ordinarily a pessimist.

Our children need guts. We have to actively counter the indoctrination they get at school and on TV (we don't allow TV). We need Paul Revere again...but that is just...the rest of the story...

I refuse to be a party to raising "villagers". Let's fight and stop embarrassing ourselves.

I am not a prisoner, I'm a free man. Period.

A few clarifying notes:

I wish this site drew "thousands a day." Hundreds is more like it. Sorry, but most gun sites/blogs don't ( or won't) link to me, and I won't beg anyone for links. If WarOnGuns readers think this site has merit, I'll let them be the ones to spread the word on their own initiative--if I have to ask them to do this, it apparently does not.

In re the testimony that specifically excluded talk about 2A, that did not trouble me as it apparently has some--we need to be able to attack the problem from various angles and with various strategies. Prof. Covey wasn't dissing 2A--in fact, he specifically stated it was an individual right. He was simply applying an original approach that may produce results on its own merit, and certainly bolsters all other arguments. Think of it as one more tool in the kit, and a pretty useful one at that.

--David Codrea

[More "Escaping the Village"]

Gun Violence Kills Again

Two more men lost their lives in Philadelphia early Sunday morning, victims of gun violence.
I guess you can do more politically with that than just saying they were victims of killers. I mean, if these acts are the responsibility of individuals, then politicians will have a harder time exploiting them with public policy proposals.

Maybe Philly should try "Project Exile."

You know, "Make my day"...

Canada's Gun Laws Must Be Tougher

One intriguing proposal worthy of serious discussion is for Ottawa to allow each community across Canada to hold a referendum on becoming gun-free zones, much as they once could declare themselves alcohol-free zones. Big cities, such as Toronto, where gun crime is a major concern, might want to go this route, while rural communities might not.

Firearms in gun-free communities could possibly be stored at secure depots that would double as firing ranges. Collectors could visit their guns there. Handgun owners could practise target and competitive shooting. And hunters could check out rifles and shotguns in season.

What an idiot.

This Day in History: September 18

On this day in 1776, General George Washington writes to the president of the Continental Congress, John Hancock, reporting on the Battle at Harlem Heights and relaying the unfortunate news of the death of Captain Thomas Knowlton.