Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Cat Got Your Tongue, Wayne?

The recent school shootings have prompted the predictable tsunami of demands for further citizen disarmament.

Gun Owners of America has long condemned so-called "gun-free school zones," as has Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, and now the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Why, at this posting, is their no official statement on any of the NRA websites in response to this turmoil? After all, they tell us they're the leaders in the Second Amendment movement, and they have the membership and resources to prove it.

The only statements we have on the Association's official position include the one Wayne LaPierre issued at the annual meeting in 1999:
First, we believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel.
and president Sandra Froman's recent backpedaling:
The only people that ought to have firearms in the schools are law enforcement and trained security personnel.

It's past time for NRA members to repudiate LaPierre and Froman's positions and demand they change them to conform to the clear "shall not be infringed" intent of the Framers. That means there's an "or else" if they don't.

Big Brother Flops in DC

Many D.C. police said they had hoped that installing dozens of new surveillance cameras across the city would assist them in cracking down on crime, but the system does not appear to be working as planned.

But that doesn't mean the program will be discontinued--that just means there aren't enough cameras.

Maybe they need to start moving them into private spaces as well.

Good Lord, look at what dependency-conditioned humans are willing to subject themselves to in order to avoid personal responsibility for protecting themselves and their society.

[Via Jason M]

The Future of Gun Rights

The mid-term election will be held Tuesday, November 7, 2006, the results of which will determine the future of our gun rights. Will we return to the days of Rosie O'Donnell and the The Brady Campaign to Prevent "Gun Violence" demonizing gun owners and embarking on a national campaign to ban guns? Those were the days when lawmakers were passing anti-gun bills almost faster than they could write them up. Americans were fighting for their gun rights at the national, state, county, and city levels -- consecutively. It felt like a losing battle.

Jennifer Freeman warns us of peril in the upcoming election.

Problem is, who is really out there championing the Second Amendment? So many of our supposed friends refuse to take a leadership stand by proudly proclaiming support of the right to keep and bear arms and then educating their constituents as to why.

This Day in History: October 4

On this day in 1777, 11,000 Patriots under General George Washington attempt an early morning attack on British General William Howe's 9,000 British troops at Germantown, Pennsylvania, five miles north of the British-occupied capital city of Philadelphia.

How many think the Americans were fighting so that one day, Pennsylvania could enact stricter gun control laws?