Thursday, November 16, 2006

SAF's Strange Bedfellow

A United States citizen who now lives in Great Britain has joined with the country’s leading gun owner rights organization in a federal lawsuit that says nonresident citizens are unfairly being targeted by existing laws that restrict gun ownership to those who live in the U.S.

Attorneys William B. Mateja, a principal in the Dallas and Washington, D.C., offices of Fish & Richardson P.C., and Alan Gura of Alexandria, Va.’s Gura & Possessky, PLLC, filed the federal claim today on behalf of London, England, resident Maxwell Hodgkins and the Bellevue, Wash.-based Second Amendment Foundation.
William B. Mateja...William B. Mateja...

Where have I heard that name before...? Oh, yeah, he's the guy CCRKBA's Gun Week slammed for maintaining--in court, in an attempt to legally destroy Dr. Timothy Emerson's life, that:
"There is no individual right contained within the Second Amendment.…It protects only a collective right to bear arms.”
I guess Alan & Co. haven't learned their lesson about getting in bed with...uh...mercenaries...

He That Hath No Sword

St. Paul Minnesota churches aren't bound by a state law requiring private property owners to either post a sign or verbally inform people when concealed handguns are barred from their parking lots and sanctuaries, a judge has ruled...
So I guess the rest of us aren't bound to read minds?

Talk about a law "respecting an establishment of religion"... So churches get to be super entities unbound by edicts affecting atheists?

Why anyone would go to a church or a store that would rather see them dead than armed--other than to leave a card--is beyond me anyway.

[Via Cousin G]

Ron Paul on Guns

The Second Amendment is not about hunting deer or keeping a pistol in your nightstand. It is not about protecting oneself against common criminals. It is about preventing tyranny. The founders knew that unarmed citizens would never be able to overthrow a tyrannical government as they did. They envisioned government as a servant, not a master, of the American people...

The notion that the Second Amendment confers rights only upon organized state-run militias is preposterous; the amendment is meaningless unless it protects the gun rights of individuals.
What? Nothing about his being a sportsman and enforcing existing gun laws? Well, gee, no wonder NRA management wanted to torpedo the guy...

Victims Share Their Story

Violence can come upon you at any time, at any place. In California the legislature has decided that you do not have the right to adequately protect yourself while out in public, you are supposed to rely upon the police.

Where were the police in this incident?

JR does a great job illustrating the horrors suffered by the defenseless when goblins attack.

"Chip" Thompson for President!

Tommy Thompson

Former Gov. Tommy Thompson said he's considering the possibility of running for the White House in 2008...

He said issues such as health care and his appeal as a Midwesterner make him a potentially viable candidate.

That plus his being so damned traceable.

Oh, wait--he backed out of that deal. He just wants the rest of us to insert those chips his company makes.

Plus he signed legislation mandating schools become Predator Empowerment Zones, which ought to put him in the chips with scholastic soul mateWayne LaPierre. Sounds just like the kind of guy I want to give super political power to.

The Republicans certainly are positioning their best and their brightest in the vanguard for '08, aren't they?

In the Spirit of Bipartisanship

Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Tuesday she may introduce a bill requiring local officials to approve if a sports team tries to leave town with the city's name still attached...

Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said he was sympathetic to Feinstein's concerns, noting that he fought the proposed move of the Philadelphia Eagles to Phoenix in the 1980s.
Nice to see that both sides of the aisle have such a healthy respect for the principles of federalism and enumerated powers.

When you can usurp and trample with impunity, is it any surprise they also treat the Bill of Rights--and particularly the Second Amendment--with such contempt?

This Day in History: November 16

On this day in 1776, Hessian Lieutenant General Wilhelm von Knyphausen and a force of 3,000 Hessian mercenaries and 5,000 Redcoats lay siege to Fort Washington at the northern end and highest point of Manhattan Island.