Paula Murray, UK "Journalist"

A GUN NUT who kept more than 2000 dum-dum bullets at his home was jailed for two years yesterday.
Nothing like a little unbiased objectivity, eh, Paula?

At least they're more open about their prejudices than our domestic "authorized journalists," who, for the most part, still rely on weasel-wording, manipulation and selective omissions to deceive, rather than outright pejoratives, although that is changing.

What else do we expect from government dependency nuts?

Unintended Marketplace Consequences

A recent review of records maintained by the federal gun registry in Canada shows that ownership of the Beretta CX4 Storm has gone up close to 300% since last September, when images of the gun were everywhere after a man went on a shooting spree.
Yet the politicians and "authorized journalists" ignored real world people voting by their actions, and focused instead on demands by the dependent, the shrill and the ignorant, and those who exploit them, to eliminate guns.

We're Not Quite the Only Ones

A former Glendale utilities commissioner and one-time boyfriend of a Burbank councilwoman has been sentenced to jail time for giving guns to a gang member in return for cocaine.
But we sure as hell act like we are...

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

[Via JR]

The Case of the Vanishing Comments

Straightarrow tells me The Morning News has been deleting comments from their latest Wayne Fincher article. I note that one he was concerned about has been reposted by its author, so we'll see if it stays up this time.

If this has happened to you, please feel free to post what you said here, but also contact the paper and give 'em hell.

We're the Only Ones Losing It Enough

The FBI said that 160 laptop computers were lost or stolen in less than four years, including at least 10 that contained sensitive or classified information -- one of which held "personal identifying information on FBI personnel," according to a report released yesterday.

The bureau, which has struggled for years to improve its sloppy inventory procedures, also reported the same number of missing weapons -- 160 -- from February 2002 to September 2005. Those weapons included shotguns and submachine guns, according to the report by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine.
We're not just "The Only Ones"--we're FEDERAL Only Ones, representatives of a JustUs Department that's in charge of the administration's efforts to keep guns off the streets and to safeguard "homeland security" on the domestic front. That they've achieved the exact opposite in each of these cases and actually expanded vulnerabilities seems to not be part of the discussion.

I can't believe this is due merely to "sloppy inventory procedures." I can't believe somebody's not making a buck.

Questions: Whose heads have rolled? No one's? Why not?

[Via Powdersdry]

This Day in History: February 13

On this day in 1776, Patrick Henry becomes colonel of the First Virginia battalion in defense of the state’s supply of gunpowder.