Saturday, February 17, 2007

Time for Another 2A Carnival

Over at Stan's place, tomorrow.

If you have a blog post you want to submit, get it to him today--and please don't wait until the last minute. It ain't easy getting everything done, especially if you're rushing it.

[Image "swiped" from Free Constitution:) ]

A Compromise I Can Live With

I have been accused of being an extremist in defense of the right to own and to carry, anywhere you see fit, any type of weapon whatsoever, in any way you wish, without asking permission from anyone. I suppose it is time to reconsider and announce I am ready to accept "reasonable gun laws".
Ordinarily, I'd blast a presidential candidate for suggesting a compromise involving gun rights. But in this case, I think I'll get behind the effort.

I Think John Just Got It

John H. Adler believes that Americans who believe in the Constitutionally guaranteed fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms "don't get it."
So Kurt Hofmann gives it to him. And how.

We're the Only...What Did You Say About My Mother?

A New York man, enraged that his girlfriend had been ensnared in a drug probe, is himself facing a felony rap for a vulgar telephone tirade directed at the parents of a federal agent.
I had mixed feelings about posting this one, knowing the way most of us would react. Still, I find it hard to believe that felony charges would be filed were a non- "Only One" was involved.

WARNING: Title link goes to story with graphic language.

[Via Bounty Hunter]

Ammo Control in Jersey

Yeah, that'll solve all their problems.

Be sure and follow the links to the press release and actual "report."

Well, we knew it was coming.

[Via Paul Nelson]

"And for Other Purposes"

H.R. 1022: To reauthorize the assault weapons ban, and for other purposes
Well of course. Nobody informed really thinks it's about controlling guns, do they?

The "no cosponsors" at this point is interesting. We'll keep an eye on this one...

In the mean time, do all the usuual stuff--inform your friends, and go ahead and write your reps if you think it won't give them evil pleasure. I don't bother with Jane Harman, but that's just based on bitter experience...

[Via Les K]

This Day in History: February 17

The worldwide implications of the American War for Independence are made clear on this day in history as the American-allied French navy begins a 14-month-long series of five battles with the British navy in the Indian Ocean.