Technical Difficulties Viewing WoG?

Just got the following email about this site:

Using IE6.026 on Win2K ... The text doesn't show up until I've scrolled below the links on the left side.

I've said it before--I'm not a tech-oriented person, am pretty much a slave to the boilerplate Blogger template, and don't see my skill level changing in the near future. This is the first I've heard of this complaint, and can only say I've viewed the site on IE and Firefox, from multiple computers at different locations and never experienced this phenomenon.

Anyone else get these results, and if so, any ideas on something so easy to fix it even I would be capable of doing?

Pistol Whipped

Robb Allen has a request:
I hope you can help a fellow gun-guy out. I've decided to start looking into getting a rifle but realized I'm only a handgun type guy. I'm asking for if you've got any advice or could spare a link I'd greatly appreciate it.

If you have some useful advice, please share it with him at the title link.

We're the Only Ones Deviant Enough

After an on-duty, male Philadelphia police officer pulled another man over in the Fairmount Park section of the city, the 18-year-old male veteran took a man from the car to a nearby area and forced him to engage in undisclosed sexual activities, authorities said.
I think this story is written wrong--perhaps it should have read "18 year veteran" or the victim was an "18-year-old male"?

Regardless, Philadelphia--isn't that where they're pushing for even more citizen disarmament? And remember--no finger-lifting.

[Via Martin Baschab]

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

We're the Only Ones "My Space" Enough

A photo on the same Web page shows the Brooklyn cop in uniform at his graduation from the Police Academy.

Posted just below the photo is a vintage drawing that shows a cop holding a gun. The drawing reads: "Hi, I'm going to Kick your a-- & get away with it."
And remember--you can't "lift a finger."

[Via Martin Baschab]

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

Militia HQ Fire "a Concerted Effort"?

"I think the arson had to do with people wanting it gone," Bright said of the fire at the militia headquarters. "I believe it was a concerted effort from the Justice Department. They may have wanted to cover something up."

I don't know what evidence there is for this statement, but this level of suspicion and distrust is a consequence that should not be unexpected. I'll contact Mr. Bright and see if he wants to elaborate.

[Via Martin Baschab]

Everything in its Place

As the Second Amendment states, there is a place for guns in our society. The shooting range is one of those places - Emory's campus is not.
Uhh, I hate to break it to educated college people and all, but that's not what the Second Amendment states...

But then again, you evil little proto-fascists know that.

[Via Andre C]

We're the Only Ones Avoiding Criminal Charges Enough

A police officer will avoid criminal charges despite admitting he took marijuana from criminal suspects and, with his wife, baked it into brownies.
This should infuriate on so many levels.

The whole damned War on Drugs has spawned all sorts of accepted police state tactics, from monitoring of financial transactions, to asset forfeiture, to no-knock home invasion raids...

Kathryn Johnston
was killed by the bastards who planted pot in her house. Donald Scott was killed by official thugs who openly planned seizing his land.

Cancer patients are being persecuted, their agony further compounded--even where the state allows medical marijuana because the feds will not.

And Dirty Sanchez here, and his sow of a wife, get brown-faced on some really good sh... and then get to waddle from the legal consequences?

A lot of you sent me this story--too many to credit, plus I'd already seen it on TV, but Dave Licht, as usual, had some particularly perceptive observations:
Have you heard the tape being played on national news of the cop that stole a suspects pot, cooked it into brownies and ate them, then called 911 asking for "emergency rescue" because "they were dead"?

The tape is funny on the surface but the media (and EVERYBODY) is missing the point astoundingly on this one; How often do cops in this department get away with stealing contraband or personal property from suspects? Does this department have a policy of shaking down suspects for personal gain? How many guns has this cop / this department / police EVERYWHERE stolen from citizens (to use as throwdowns or for the personal collection???) How often do suspects have contraband or personal property stolen by the police in departments EVERYWHERE? Are police in this country developing a certain quid pro quo with certain citizenry (like in Mexico) wherein police can rob and abuse citizens in exchange for not arresting them (or even if they do arrest them)?

I know this is not lost on you but the portrayal of this case and this tape being played on the national news as a joke misses the point entirely...and deliberately.
Yet we're told resistance is futile. We're warned against lifting a finger.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

Some General Housekeeping

I've been gone for a week out of state where I had extremely limited time to access a computer. Thus the lighter than usual posting of last week.

Please understand that I simply won't have time to answer each of the emails sent to me during that time--the choice is either do this work or that--although I will read each of them and respond if it looks like a reply is really needed. Also please understand if I don't post a story link sent in--I just don't have time to get to them all, so have opted to just go forward from this point.

I certainly don't mean to slight anybody.

This Day in History: May 12

With respect to the prisoners sentenced to die, you are the best judge of the circumstances of their crime and of the characters of the men, and if either of them should appear to you, in other respects, as well as in this instance, worthy of severity, I think it would be well, for example sake, to inflict the punishment on him, and pardon the others, especially as the Regiment, to which they belong, has been particularly addicted to the mischeivous and hateful practice of desertion; But if there are any palliating considerations, or if the general conduct of the men has been pretty good, I should wish you to incline to the side of lenity. Rigour, in our present dispersed situation, would not have its full effect.