Saturday, July 28, 2007

"The Big One"

The case of District of Columbia v. Heller is barely at the Supreme Court's starting gate, yet nearly everyone involved has a growing sense that this will be the Big One.

I never heard Parker v DC referred to that way. Did goof?

I wonder if the court will actually agree to hear this?

The most disturbing statement for me:
"It will take an eternity to resolve."

I don't have that much time. Neither do my children. In the mean time, people are dying and their lives are being destroyed.

You "incrementalists" are going to have to do a lot better than that if you want us "extremists" to tone down the rhetoric.

Fincher Ordered To Pay For His Attorneys

A federal judge ruled Friday that Hollis Wayne Fincher misrepresented his financial condition and will have to pay for his court-appointed attorneys.

Nothing like kicking a man while he's down, eh, Jimm Larry? I understand in communist China, they make families pay for the bullets used to execute prisoners.

There's more to this than meets the eye, and I'll get into it later pending a review with some of the affected parties. For now, I'd just like to address the judge's libel that Wayne is not honest. For someone who wouldn't even allow "the supreme law of the land" to be acknowledged in his courtroom, that takes a lot of damn gall.

Jered and the Baby Killer

He was among only 36 Americans, mostly young people, whose video clips were chosen out of the thousands submitted.

Yeah, CNN knew exactly what they were doing. I know many gun bloggers have defended this guy, but reading that "at the moment, he likes Sen. Barack Obama" for president tells me everything I need to know.

Why would anyone on "our" side support a "baby" killer?

We're the Only Ones Brain Dead Enough

The Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police promised to crack down on gun crime and stop "brain dead killers" with an additional $26-million provided by the provincial government to hire 200 new officers.
Because the "liberal" solution of throwing plunder at the problem has always worked so well in the past...

[More from "The Only Ones" files]