Wednesday, April 16, 2008

And So it Begins

I'm going to focus the rest of my blogging today on updates for The New York Times' Virginia Tech panel.

There is a new addition to the list: Dr. Richard Kadison, chief of mental health services for Harvard's health services.

It appears mine was the first panelist submission, so I've linked to it below, under John O'Neil's introduction. The basic ground rules are keep each post around or under 300 words. I will continue to add links to this post as they appear, so check back in if you want to keep informed on this.

Master Link to Panel Page (All Posts)

Virginia Tech: After the Shootings
by John O'Neil

Guns on Campus: Could They Prevent a Repeat?
By David Codrea

Better Prepared, but Safer?
By Richard Canas

Changes at Many Levels
By Ada Meloy

Remembrance and Protest
By Rev. Alexander W. Evans

The View From the ‘Lie-In’
By Josh Horwitz

No More ‘Easy’ Guns
By Rev. Alexander W. Evans

Changed Law, Unchanged Danger
By David Codrea

What Campus Police Think
By Ada Meloy

Sharing the Worries When a Student Is Troubled
By Richard Kadison

Rethinking the Role of Campus Police
By Richard Canas

Guns No Deterrent to the Suicidal
By Josh Horwitz

Arguing for Gun Choice
By David Codrea

Creating More Routes for Help
By Richard Kadison

UPDATE: We're done. I emailed Mr. O'Neil and asked if comments were closed for good and will advise when he replies--it may be tomorrow 'til he does.

Thank you all for your kind support here, and especially to those of you who provided the best, most intelligent backup I could hope for. I knew going in I'd be surrounded on the panel by people conditioned and incapable of grokking our views, and also that I would not be able to catch every chair and bottle thrown in the melee. You articulated our "side" with thoughtfulness and composure, and I'm sure gave their readers much to mull on. And based on the near absence of contrary comments, I'd say that despite my being outnumbered, you kept the hordes at bay.

If they do this again, it will no doubt be due in large part to the way you handled things.

Illinois Gun Owner Alert!

I'm otherwise occupied and don't have time to address this properly, but please click the title link and go on over to Armed and Safe to see how the antis are mounting an all-out assault in Illinois--today.

As extremists are involved, this is extremely important.

We're the Only Ones Who Will Rock Your World Enough

A police officer has been placed on paid administrative leave amid accusations she threw rocks at a car owned by her estranged husband's girlfriend.
I wonder--if you threw rocks at an "Only One's" car if you'd be "placed on administrative leave."

Even if your "emotions got the best of" you?

Why not try it and report back to us?

[Via Shermlock Shomes, Investigator]

Defender of the Castle

Another one weighs in. This time, it's Tim Schaffer.

Thank you for contacting my office regarding Senate Bill 184, the Castle Doctrine Bill. I am a proud co-sponsor of this legislation.

As a defender of second amendment rights, I support the law-abiding citizens’ right to bear arms. This bill is currently pending before the Senate Judiciary – Criminal Justice Committee. I will continue to do all I can to support the passage of SB 184.

Thank you again for your letter and please feel free to contact my office if you have any further questions or concerns.

Ohio castle-dwellers: You're doing your part, right? There will be no breach in the wall because your station is undefended?

Close the Candidate Loophole

You know, the one that allows democrats to run as republicans...

[Via Zachary G]

We're the Only Ones Getting the Boot Enough

The weapon was accidentally discharged. The bullet struck the boot sole of a team member behind Sgt. Turner.
Nah, no CYA weasel-wording there.

Sure glad "The Only Ones" got that ammo away from someone who might have endangered others with it, though.

[Via Jeffersonian]

A Long Train of Abuses

What this comes down to is that if the federal government wants to f*** you over, without having to bother with due process, then they effectively bring an action against your property.
Jed brings us the latest on BATFU's murder attempt against Cavalry Arms.

Death of a Whipping Boy

There is nothing remotely liberal in demanding that the state should have a monopoly on the use of force over the rest of the population...

Whatever his motives, whatever underpinned his passion for guns, Charlton Heston, in demanding equal treatment for blacks in the 1950s and later calling for everyone to have the right to bear arms, was a better representative of the spirit of American equality than any of those gun control campaigners who turned him into their favourite redneck whipping boy.
Nice to see the light of reason has not completely flickered out across the pond.

[Via M. Terry]

Gray Lady Update

I sent in my opening statement and got back the following:
Thanks. I'm about to hop on the train, so this won't go up for a bit, but it will!
I was the first panelist to clock in, and the list has not changed. I did recommend considering Messrs. Cramer and Hardy and Dr. Lott, and expressed concern that I may need to weigh in more often that anyone else due to the stack-up, but was told they'll be discussing more than guns, so essentially, don't worry my pretty little head about it.

Hey, when your head is this pretty and this little, what else is there to worry about?

I'll post again on this when something develops on the NYT site. Until then, I'll see how many of your link tips I can get through while waiting.

And They Lived Happily Ever After

Last night, the 15th, the McHenry Co. Board voted unanimously to pass the Illinois Second Amendment Resolution! I think we were the 75th county and the 1st collar county to pass the resolution... It is possible that another county voted to approve the measure last night too...
I love a happy ending.

[Via Discontented Cookie]

A Rose By Any Other Name

Assembly Endorses Gun Safety Measures
Because "gun safety" sounds so much more palatable than "citizen disarmament."

My hands-down favorite: "ban advanced weaponry used to kill police officers."

Hell, if that's the justification, ban 'em all!

Think they're talking about the .50? Sure reads that way. But what else would we expect from a lying propaganda rag, I mean, the North Country Gazette?

[Via cycjec]

This Day in History: April 16

Resolved, That Jacob Hans be, and he is hereby, appointed Captain to one tier of Fire-Rafts.

Resolved, That Mr. Owen Biddle and Mr. Parker be a Committee to prepare a plan for a Powder Magazine, and to lay out the ground upon which it is to be built.