Sunday, August 10, 2008

Iran Introduces Reality TV

I came across this earlier this morning when I posted the Boise story:
Iran making TV series based on Hugo’s “Les Miserables”

What are they going to do, pick citizens at random?

A Law for YOU

Citizens who fail to report a lost or stolen firearm within 24 hours can now be fined up to $1,900.

Repeat offenders will face another steep fine or 90 days in jail.
And, as I continue to remind whoever will listen, the violent predators doing all the shooting will be exempt from the requirement.

On Bernie Mac

Some have read more into his December 2004 Playboy interview quote:
I have Glocks, .45s, Berettas, Remingtons. I like the marksmanship and the discipline that it takes to be a gun owner. I like the machinery. Being able to take it out and clean it is even more fascinating than having the gun.

than the facts merited:

Another Conspiracy Plot Exposed

The Transportation Security Administration may allow airports to ban firearms from terminals, parking lots, roads and other airport areas where many states currently allow passengers to carry lethal weapons.
Thanks for presiding over a department that would do this, "Vote Freedom First President"!

[Via KABA Newslinks]


On Friday, DFL-endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken demonstrated how true that saying can be, when a roundtable on veterans issues at Brigitte’s Cafe his campaign scheduled drew only one participant.
Nice apologetics, "Authorized Journalist" Lawrence Schumacher! As opposed to major fail by a major loser, I guess your way does put a happier face on things.

"See, I've never owned a gun," Franken write in a smarmy attack on those who do in "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot."

"I won't allow one in the house."

Oh really. And just what are you prepared to do about it if someone brings one in?

Millionaire celebrity socialists. Is there anything they don't know?

"The Men Had Machine Guns"

Police say three masked men entered the Wells Fargo at 12th and Solari at 11 Saturday morning. Witnesses said the men had machine guns.
So what do you think?

Does Demetress Brown equating 20 shots to "a war zone" seem expert and definitive, or do you think maybe it's more likely we're witnessing the fruit from a tree planted back in 1988 that's been carefully watered and nurtured by "Authorized Journalists" and the entertainment media?

[Via Dave Licht]

"Les Misérables" Opens in Boise

A 19-year-old Boise man is charged with felony delivery of marijuana after police say they found a gram of pot and $2,000 in cash on him early Friday morning.
Plus they charged him with resisting arest because he was "uncooperative."

I wonder why--they've proven to be so reasonable. Just like the lifetime gun ban he now faces.

[Via Avg Joe]

Question and Answer

"Jerry" writes:
Has any comparison been made to "law abiding citizens" who stop a crime and LEOs who stop a crime?
I'm not aware of such a comparison but it seems logical that cops generally arrive after the crime has been committed. One of the problems would be people who stop a crime and don't report it because they don't want to get in trouble for illegal carry. There are "studies" claiming cops prevent crime, but I have no idea how they derived their numbers, as they are typically program or budget justifications, as opposed to disinterested studies with no incentive to yield a particular outcome. Gary Kleck would probably be your best bet for defensive gun uses (including unreported ones), and John Lott for concealed carry deterrence and media bias in not reporting it. But I don't know if anyone has taken what you're asking for and put it into one nice, neat and peer-reviewed package.

How about it? What's out there that I'm oblivious to. On this, I mean...

This Day in History: August 10

Our People have taken two or three of the Enemy's Vessels at Machias, at the Eastward, with a Number of Prisoners, among whom is Ichabod Jones, a well known Tory, who was brought to Town Yesterday, and put into Custody of the Main Guard. The other Prisoners, we are informed, are on the Road, and may be hourly expected.