Thursday, September 18, 2008

Will Dr. Phil "Get Real" on Armed Teachers?

Friday - September 19, 2008

School Controversies

Dr. Phil takes on controversial issues that could affect your child’s safety at school. First up, how would you feel if you knew your child’s teacher was carrying a concealed weapon? One small Texas school district will allow gun-toting teachers. Dr. Phil hears from moms on both sides of this debate, as well as the president of the Texas Federation of Teachers.
The Texas Federation of Teachers? You mean the ones who "overwhelmingly endorse Obama"?

And how informed and experienced at public speaking and debate are the "moms on both sides of the debate"?

Oh well, I'm sure congenial, reassuring, rational and wise Dr. Phil will be a fair and unbiased mediator.

Won't he?

Check your local listings if you want to either watch or record this.

[Via Carolyn S]

[Graphic obtained from Google image search--originator credit unknown]

Shoot for Life

Tennessee Firearms Association, Inc.

"American by birth, TENNESSEAN by the grace of God"

Albert McCall & Congressman Marsha Blackburn would like to invite all red blooded Americans to a night of good ole fun in God's Country.

Activities include:

Target shooting * BBQ Supper

Hay Ride * Karaoke

Horseshoes * Face Painting

"Shoot for Life"

So all you fellers grab your gal and bring your youngins if you got 'em!

Where: C.S. Hawkins Park Times: 5:30-8:30
Auburntown, TN BBQ @ 7
When: September 22nd Cost: $5 to Shoot
No Charge for meal

For more information call-615-257-1473


I typically don't do local announcements, but this one illustrates a concept more gun owners would do well to adopt--doing something that benefits people in your community under the banner of a regional gun club.

Years ago, a buddy in CA organized a blood drive on behalf of our NRA Members' Council. Maybe you could adopt a local womens' shelter and treat their kids to Christmas toys. You get the idea.

We're demonized enough. Why not show people the real face of their activist gun owner neighbors?

[Via Carl S]

Hacking Away at Privacy

The Secret Service contacted The Associated Press on Wednesday and asked for copies of the leaked e-mails, which circulated widely on the Internet. The AP did not comply.
Then if you know they're withholding evidence to a crime, start preparing search and arrest warrants. Protection of sources does not extend to that.

I am so sick and tired of the subversive "Authorized Journalists" at the AP, and if political operatives are allowed to hack into private email accounts and then make their contents public, we are no longer free. This cannot be tolerated. They need to be outed and punished.

What should be telling is how many on left wing forums are gloating over this, which just proves their fundamental indecency and what to expect when such as they get power. Typical lying hypocrites, they talk "right to privacy" only when it suits their agenda, and accuse RKBA activists of only caring about the Second Amendment to the exclusion of all other freedoms.

I would be just as outraged if someone did this to Joe Biden. Or to you or me.

Attack of the Subversive Fudds

There are differences of opinion on whether Obama's stance on gun ownership actually supports gun owners.
No there aren't, his tyranical hostility is a matter of documented fact--although liars would certainly like to create the impression that it all boils down to opinion.

That the media won't look into AHSA beyond their claims that they are "a gun rights group" goes beyond shallowness, laziness and ignorance. Many of then have been told about the group's true nature, yet continue to act as shills--which tells us all we need to know about their agenda and integrity.

And "Republicans for Obama" tells us everything we need to know about the dangers of making the "Big Tent" so inclusive that Constitutional fidelity is pushed out of the center ring.

We're the Only Ones Fanning the Flames Enough

Two off-duty NYPD officers have been arrested on assault charges in connection with a confrontation with a firefighter outside a Long Beach bar Saturday night.
New York "Only Ones" again. You know the drill...

[Via OrangeNeckInNY]

We're the Only Ones Hitting on You Enough

A federal appeals court Wednesday reinstated a jury verdict against two former police detectives who were convicted of moonlighting as gangsters and carrying out a series of hits for the mob.
New York "Only Ones." You know, the guys you can't "lift a finger" against. Or else.

[Via OrangeNeckInNY]

The Crazy Spectrum

From my brief visit, I discern three phases of gun-nuttery: people who think guns are fun (for hunting, target practice, or just as sexy pieces of machinery), people who fear crime and think guns will make them safe, and people who think owning a gun proves their love of God, country, and freedom. The crazy spectrum seems to run from low to high as you pass from fun-loving gun fans to the God and freedom brand.
Sane and rational Angela Valdez said it.

I believe it.

That settles it.

Doesn't it?

Hell, why am I asking you? We're both obviously out of our minds.

We're the Only Ones Permitted Enough

Lebanese Defense Ministry orders a ban on gun permits except for weapons carried by diplomats' bodyguards, cabinet ministers and lawmakers.
Ah, I get it: "Only Ones."

Y'know, if you guys start selling Italian roast beef sandwiches and open a few Polish delis, you'll be just like Chicago.

What the Idea Really is

The idea is to get as many guns off the street as possible.
Great in-depth, unbiased straight news reporting there, "Authorized Journalist" John McNeill.

But this is the only time I've ever seen guns on the street, which makes me wonder what the idea really is...along with why Kalamazoo authorities are acting like a bunch of damned Chinese communists.

Mixed Messages

Barack Obama thinks that there should be more regulations on guns, so people would be less likely to get guns, which means fewer crimes.
Wait a minute...I thought AHSA was out there telling everybody Obama was all gun friendly and everything...?

We Earned the Fees in the Gun Case

Enforcement of our nation's civil rights laws depends on attracting qualified lawyers to fight government agencies with endless resources on behalf of ordinary people who cannot afford legal services...

And if we are such lousy lawyers, how did we manage to beat the city's militia of lawyers, including three of the biggest of the "megafirms" in town?

They did what they set out to do. They won. Pay up.

Emperor of the North

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty wants a handgun ban for Canada
Wouldn't it be easier and more beneficial just to ban Dalton McGuinty?

The Nice Thing in Their View

The nice thing in their view is that absolutely no warrants are needed. To gain public acceptance, the surveillance program is being initially sold as an aid for police looking to solve Amber Alert cases and locate stolen cars."
See? It's "for the children."

Capitalists...I mean, public/private partnership fascists selling rope again I see... but hey--if you're not doing anything wrong, what have you got to hide?

And remember--"they" hate us because we're free.

[Via Ron W]

Eye in the Sky

A single satellite can visit one spot on Earth once or twice every day. BASIC's additional satellites will allow multiple passes over the same sites, alerting U.S. government users to potential trouble, humanitarian crises or natural disasters such as floods.
Aside from affecting its ability to conduct military operations, those are Pentagon concerns? And what else?

Mr. Parsons?
I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I dont need to see any more
To know that
I can read your mind, I can read your mind
I worked for over 16 years in the satellite navigation and communications defense contracting industry, so I'm not disparaging their necessity in a comprehensive national defense strategy. They're amazing and we should be glad we've got 'em. I just want to make sure they're pointed at the right people for the right reasons.

I also think our reliance on high tech solutions cannot allow us to ignore the hard, dirty, dangerous and vital realities that only on-the-ground assets can discover--assuming they want to.

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

This Day in History: September 18

...That we should not wear our Swords. The Day before their meeting (Monday) I had been inform’d that the lower Class of Townspeople took umbrage at our wearing them, and therefore represented to the sub-Committee that we had been permited at Philadelphia to wear them as soon as we had given our Paroles, and that I suppos’d the permission general as well as our Paroles, & both equally binding, & therefore requested we might not be insulted by being oblig’d to surrender them here, merely to gratify the Populace; I also inform’d them it was customary for Officers (& Volunteers, being Gentlemen,) on their Paroles to be allow’d to wear their Swords...
You can read how Major Christopher French got himself into this situation here.