Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why Can't We Be Friends?

If you belong to a grassroots group and can see the advantage of cross-promoting with a national gun rights column that is growing and branching out, or if you are a pro-gun rights blogger who would like to exchange links... [More]
I keep giving little clues that I'm serious about promoting this Gun Rights Examiner opportunity, and this is my latest outreach. I hope I can count on the regulars here to look kindly on this effort and lend a helping hand...?

Holder Clutches at Gun Rights

That this civil liberties nightmare is intended as our next attorney general ought to scare all of us--enough to motivate our personal and sustained involvement in opposing him. [More]
Here is today's Gun Rights Examiner post. I consider it the most important one in the series so far, and as such, will be spending most of my time today promoting it. I hope I can count on the regulars here to join me, to share the link with your friends, to link to it in your blogs, to post it on forums you frequent...

I'm outta here for a while. I've got work to do.