Friday, April 03, 2009

OK, Here We Go...

A gunman entered an immigration services center in downtown Binghamton on Friday, shot at least four people and took as many as 41 hostage, according to media reports.

Mayor Matthew Ryan told the Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin that there was a hostage situation involving a gunman with a high-powered rifle.[More]
And there obviously wasn't anyone there who could deny giving him what he wanted. There obviously wasn't another "gunman."

I'll do some checking around and will probably be updating this post later today.

Commentators--please feel free to act as correspondents and paste appropriate links.


Asian male.

This is where.


City council is all democrats.

Maurice Hinchey is their congressman. GOA gives him a D-.

The Bradys rate NY 6 out of 50. And naturally, they still give it a dismal score.

UPDATE: "As many as 12" shot.

Click here and refresh as needed for current headlines.

UPDATE: Fox News (TV) just reported he is in custody. Meaning when confronted by men with guns he wanted to live? Or was he incapacitated by men with guns?

UPDATE: Fox News (TV) just reported two Asian males taken away in handcuffs.


UPDATE: "At least 13 dead..."

UPDATE: "Two handguns were recovered at the scene..."

UPDATE: So far, no mention of this...

UPDATE: Fox News (TV) and MSNBC are reporting a dead lone gunman.

UPDATE: Jiverly Voong.
Police officials said two weapons have been found. According to one police report a 9 mm pistol was recovered as SWAT team officers entered the building.
Per MSNBC, on in the background, he recently lost his job. From IBM.

UPDATE: Voong is apparently an alias. Some FBI profiler douchebag, Clint somebody, is giving the "Only One" speech against people being armed, saying it's a job for the police. I should know better than to have MSNBC on. They are getting ready to search his house. The pistols were permitted. That does not mean he had a CCW--but it doesn't mean he didn't.

UPDATE: 14 confirmed dead. Four in critical condition. It took police two minutes to get on scene following the 911 call, but they don't know how much time had elapsed from the time the shooting started until the call was made. Gov. Paterson made the obligatory When will we as a society do something? statement, but did not specifically mention gun control. Yet. The police chief now says there is no indication a rifle was used. They aren't positive the shooter is dead but have reason to believe it is him--from guns and ammo to the fact that his car is the one that was blocking the back door to keep people from escaping.

UPDATE: John Lott weighs in:
When will this simple fact about gun-free zones become part of the news coverage itself?

Registration Doesn't Work? Really?

As madness takes over the in-power political elite here in America, in Canada it seems as though they’re coming to their senses.

The federal government introduced a bill in the Senate on Wednesday to abolish the long-gun registry.

“It’s totally inefficient and ineffective against crime,” Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan, told reporters on Parliament Hill.[More]

If we extrapolated, would that mean BATFU probably isn't going to catch many bad guys with their Forward Trace Initiative...?

[Via Brian F]

Go Tell Paul Helmke...

...he can stop pushing that 90% crap, because we know better now. Then point out his other lies. [More]

These creatures really do have no shame. I guess when you're caught red-handed, you may as well try to bluff your way out.

Besides, it's not like the typical Huffpovian* values truth above the dogma of indignation against non-collectivists. I'm waiting for the drowning out and redirecting to begin. In other words, the lies.

* Thought I might have coined a term here, but checked and someone beat me to it.

Just Say "No" Again...

...this time to TSA bullying. [More]

We need to start publicly naming and shaming the abusers.

"The Campus Will Now Return to Normal Operations"

That's where human beings are utterly helpless and dependent on physically absent "authorities" who have no obligation to save them whenever their lives are threatened.

You know, "normal."

Newspeak for "unnatural."[More]

[Via Firedbrass]

Exposing Lies about U.S. Guns and Mexican Crime

The truth is out there, and it is spreading. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows how slowly, but surely, the lies and liars are being exposed to a wider audience.

Also meet our man in Boston, learn of a new danger to gun rights hidden in government health care tampering, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

I hope you agree that spreading the truth far and wide is important, and will help do that by sharing the link to this small contribution throughout your sphere of influence.

This Day in History: April 3

It is needless for me to say much upon a Subject, which must undoubtedly give you a good deal of uneasiness. I confess I was surprised, when I did not see your name in the list of Major Generals, and was so fully of opinion that there was some mistake in the matter, that I (as you may recollect) desired you not to take any hasty Step, before the intention of Congress was fully known. The point does not now admit of a doubt, and is of so delicate a nature, that I will not even undertake to advise, your own feelings must be your guide. [More]