Monday, December 28, 2009

Dave Workman is a Moron!

But don't take my word for it--take his. [More]

And no, of course I don't mean it--but you have no idea how good that felt, especially since he routinely makes fun of me in front of the other GREs in our group emails...and I never deserve it.

No S***, Sherlock

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano conceded Monday that the aviation security system failed when a young man on a watchlist with a U.S. visa in his pocket and a powerful explosive hidden on his body was allowed to board a fight from Amsterdam to Detroit. [More]
Those are some powers of observation you're displaying there, J-No.

Meanwhile, some want to use those "watchlists" for this...

More Orwellian "logic"--we know what the Founders considered necessary to the security of a free state. It figures those bent on subversion are committed to destroying that.

[Via David C]

Look Who's Back

Kurt had internet connectivity issues and some other stuff goin' on involving supermodels and his Examiner millions, so he hasn't been posting of late.

He's back.

New Year's Gun Rights Resolution: Get Formal Training

A few years back, I interviewed a former Navy SEAL, a man who is an expert’s expert, providing weapons and tactics training to elite military fighting personnel, civilian law enforcement tactical specialists, and security professionals. With candor typical of true professionals, he admits up front that "our staff does not know it all, nor have we ‘arrived’. We are in a constant state of learning and consider ourselves perpetual students." [More]
Suggested resolutions posted to date:

New Year's gun rights resolution: Attend an Appleseed
New Year's gun rights resolution: Know your representatives
New Year's gun rights resolution: Write letters to the editor
New Year's gun rights resolution: Join a gun rights group
New Year's gun rights resolution: Send a politician the gun rights questionnaire
New Year's gun rights resolution: Build a guns and liberty video collection
New Year's gun rights resolution: Take a new person shooting
New Year's gun rights resolution: Read Second Amendment books

New Year's gun rights resolution: Shoot a machine gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Support legal efforts to defend 2nd Amendment
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spread the word on Gun Rights Examiner
New Year's gun rights resolution: Go to a gun show
New Year's gun rights resolution: Boycott an anti-gun company
New Year's gun rights resolution: Buy a gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spend time with your loved ones
New Year's gun rights resolution: Teach your children about guns
New Year's gun rights resolution: Don't spread unverified internet rumors

What Chicago Needs is More Gun Control

Records show he was paroled in November 2008 from prison, where he had been held since 1985 for a murder a year before. He also was convicted in 2001 and 2005 of aggravated battery of a peace officer.

In the earlier incident, he assaulted at least two prison guards at Pinckneyville Correctional Center who tried to get him to remove personal property from his cell. Officials at the time said Cration had "an extensive history of violence, including ten staff assaults and one inmate assault along with five 'dangerous disturbances,' " according to an Associated Press story. [More]

So what could be more natural than to release this beast into the enforced victim disarmament zone that is Tim-Tom Paradise? Notice how the laws stopped him from getting a gun?

You didn't?

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via An Illinois Voter from Second City Cop]

We're the Only Ones Walled Off Enough

California laws strengthened wall of silence around officers...

The mandates – the most stringent in the nation -- have given troubled officers special privileges that make it harder to get rid of them and nearly impossible for the public to learn whether they've been adequately disciplined. [More]
You know, "Only Ones," exempt from public oversight and repercussions.

What could go wrong? Aside from making some drunk with power, oblivious to repercussions and the potential of walls to block both sides...

More Amontillado...?

[Via Harvey]

Newspeak/English Dictionary: "Progressive"

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime. [More]
All these centuries of progress, to fight to survive and perpetuate, and we finally get to the point where the physically weak aren't necessarily prey for the physically strong. Then math teacher Doug here figures out the equation for setting things back to stone age conditions. And he calls that "progressive."

One thing is for certain--if this contemptible wretch won't protect his own children, you can be certain he won't protect yours. Why would you entrust them to such a defective specimen?

He'd rather his kid were dead than to allow reality to intrude on his precious belief system. If there's a better definition for "fanatic," I haven't seen it. Except we're using Newspeak now, aren't we?

The fanatics are the ones who disagree with him.

UPDATE: After reading this, my opinion is that I failed to see the satire.

[Via Brian F]

Don't Rely on 'Mainstream Press' to Determine Candidate Positions on Guns

That they feel they need to put up a false front on guns is in itself remarkable, but this story also raises a larger concern: the shallowness of "authorized journalists" when it comes to reporting on gun issues. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows how lack of depth in reporting can lead to false conclusions. And how anti-gun politicians can capitalize on that.

It's almost like it's intentional or something...

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?

This Day in History: December 28

As the Season advances in which bad weather and broken Roads will render the transporting provision from any distance, for the most part subject to considerable delay, and sometimes impracticable. It becomes indispensibly necessary to form with all possible expedition ample Magazines for our Winter Supply contiguous to the Rear of the Camp, and to embrace every favourable Opportunity of keeping them furnished. They ought never to have less than thirty days provision in them. [More]