Friday, January 08, 2010

You Don't Have to Be a Mind Reader... know that giving unionizing TSA mugs crystal balls isn't going to do a damn thing to make you and me safer, but it will do plenty to make us less free. [More]

I think I'm going to start a company that makes pixie dust we can sprinkle on air travelers. True, it will actually be repackaged bulls***, but I figure if I put it in my wife's name as a disadvantaged/woman- owned business, I may just be able to get some of that "free government money" there seems to be so much of in these days leading up to the financial ruin of the Republic...

You Can't Buy a Gun...

...because you don't have standing. [More]

See how simple life can be when we just let judges tell us what our rights are?

[Via Daniel White]

We're the Only Ones Shocked--Shocked Enough

Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan says he's shocked by the arrest of one of his officers in a string of robberies in suburban Dakota County. [More]
Ah yes, one of "the few that fail."

I like that better than "bad apples," Chief. I might start using it to point out how isolated from the norm all these "Only Ones" stories people keep sending me are.

Thankfully, as those of you who send me multiple tips every day can attest, I only use a few of them so as not to overwhelm this site and lose focus on its main purpose. Plus I'd hate to be accused of denigrating law enforcement.

[Via Zachary G]

We're the Only Ones Translating Enough

In a move to crack down on weapons from the U.S. that are funneled to drug cartels, police in Latin America will soon be able to track American gun sales in their own language, despite privacy concerns by gun-rights advocates. [More]
Oh, but don't worry:
Under U.S. law, such information is private and can be seen only by law-enforcers doing legitimate investigations.
Say--under their own national laws, aren't all police (even secret ones) "law-enforcers"?

And isn't that where groups like Los Zetas sprang from?

And when even the Mexican army doesn't know which police are trustworthy, how the hell is some damn BATFU bureaucrat supposed to determine it's "legitimate investigation"?

Yeah, give a group with known ties to murderous narcoterrorists personal information on American gun owners in the name of fighting crime.

I'd say "unbelievable" if I really meant it. But when it comes to "Only Ones," I'm getting pretty tough to surprise.

[Via retrotruckman]

We're the Only Ones Keeping Abreast of the Situation Enough

The young mother, who told police she is nursing her children, says Officer Loverde put on the blue glove, put his hand under her shirt and squeezed her breast and made a crass comment. [More]
Ms. Doolittle? Your cue...

All I want is to nurse my child,
Far away from "Only Ones" gone wild.
And now there's charges filed
Aow, wouldn't it be Loverde?

And I do apologize...

[Via Ernie S]

A Not Quite Conversion

These days, I think differently about the Second Amendment. I now know that the conventional wisdom about firearms is often wrong-headed. You would think that gun control would automatically reduce violent crime, but that wouldn't be true. [More]
That's a good realization, Gregory Alan Thornbury, Dean of the School of Christian Studies at Union University.

So you guys are gonna drop this prohibition, then, right?
POSSESSING FIREARMS, OR WEAPONS. This is the possession, whether open or concealed, of any weapon (including, but not limited to paintball guns, slingshots and airsoft guns) that could be used to intimidate, scare, or harm others or possession of materials used to manufacture bombs, firearms, or weapons.
I said "Right?"

ADL Engages in Stereotyping, Bigotry Against Gun Owners

We're not supposed to have prior restraint on rights in this country, Mr. Foxman. That's what makes us different from all those places refugees like you have fled from. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a small-minded bigot masquerading as a civil rights leader.

Also learn about some books, meet a voice from Fort Smith and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: January 8

We ought also to consider that it was so unexpected, and must have been so humiliating a thing, for a whole British army to surrender their arms, and deliver themselves up prisoners to those of whom they had been accustomed to speak with such contempt and disdain -that it is not to be wondered at, if the common soldiers did some things out of spite and ill humour, not to be justified. [More]