Thursday, April 01, 2010

GRE Round Up for Apr. 1

There's some good stuff being turned out. I hope you're availing yourself of it, and importantly, sharing these links via emails, on blogs and forums, with your local newspaper editor, etc.

A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."

These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.

Here are their latest offerings:

Don Gwinn/Chicago:
IL Governor, legislative leaders' rumored deal would bring right-to-carry to Illinois

Dave Workman/Seattle:
Kirkland shoot-out aftermath proves medical marijuana dilemma requires legislative fix
Spring shocker: White House 2A ‘beer summit’ falls through!

Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
If 'gun free' zones are too expensive, there is an alternative

Go. Read. And please share these links.

You're doing that, right?

GOP Pledges Second Amendment "Litmus Test"

"If they don't support the Second Amendment, they're simply ineligible for funding or endorsements," Chairman Michael Steele told party activists. "It's past time we manned up to our responsibilities." [More]
Also see:
Holder Gun Discharge Injures Mexican President
NRA: Arm the Teachers!
Brady President Detained on Airport Gun Charge
Kennedy Dog Injured in Gun Mishap
BREAKING NEWS: Feinstein Arrested After Gun Mishap

ATF Newsletter Picture Worth a Thousand Words—and One Question

I received the following, copied and pasted below from an ATF newsletter... [More]
I thought this warranted a second Gun Rights Examiner column for today.

Also get an update on a "disgruntled" Oregon gun owner.

Share the link?

They Want a Revolution!!!!

Mark Potok and CNN do, anyway, apparently, since the lady in a position to actually know about such things would not confirm their hysterical premise, no matter how much they tried to lead her into that swamp...[Watch]
Good job, Ms. Cooter.

[Via Luke]

We're the Only Ones Transmuting Enough

Sources told WFTV it was an automatic M-4 assault rifle, stolen from the unmarked vehicle of nine-year veteran Officer John Foshee outside his home in Volusia County over the weekend. [More]
So I guess that means it's no longer a "patrol rifle"?

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Giving Prenatal Care Enough

A federal appeals court says three Seattle police officers did not employ excessive force when they repeatedly tasered a visibly pregnant woman for refusing to sign a speeding ticket.

The lawyer representing Malaika Brooks said Monday that the court’s 2-1 decision sanctioned “pain compliance” tactics through a modern-day version of the cattle prod. [More]

Pain compliance.

I don't know what this reminds me of more:

I cannot sign ze papers...


Your agonizer, please...

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

More Fizzle than Fight?

There's more fizzle than fight among self-styled militias and other groups right now, they say, and little chance of a return to the organized violence that proved so deadly in the 1990s. [More]
If true, why all the media hysteria?

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

That'll Create a Free Citizen

Don’t tell your child to fight back. [More]
Just give attackers what they want. And by not fighting back, you'll guarantee they get it.

Whatever they want.

You might want to wipe your chin there, Sharon Kennedy Wynne. You seem to have a bit of cud drool...

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones Unchaperoned Enough

In 20 years of running his exotic dancing business, Galland said he’s never had a problem on this scale before.

“Nothing ever like this,” Galland said. “Nothing like this by civilians, let alone police that we trust to protect us -- that we put in positions of power.” [More]
And if this can happen with better-than-you "Only Ones," no wonder some don't want to put mere citizens in a "position of power"...

[Via Ed M]

Are Concealed Gun Carriers More Likely to Kill than Police?

Do you really want to draw conclusions about group conduct, Josh? And while I admit to operating under the same handicaps you whine about—that is, being limited to using search engines and not being able to get my hands on much legally and union contract-protected information (not to mention receiving no funding from rich benefactors)—two can play the anecdote game:

Shall we discuss Kathryn Johnston? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a numbers game being played by one of the more insidious anti-rights zealots.

Also get a recap on yesterday's Trigger Sports Live!

Share the link? Regular readers...?

This Day in History: April 1

A bit more than six weeks after leaving Massachusetts, the Boston reached the coast of France, and on April 1, 1778, Johnny and his father landed at Bordeaux. Arm in arm, the two walked about, gawking unabashedly at the sights. After shipboard fare, they could not speak too highly of the fine food served to them by a citizenry evidently pleased to be host to this emissary and his son. [More]