Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day GRE Round Up

I've been doing minimal posting over the three-day weekend because I have a lot of family activities going on, so I haven't been keeping up with bringing you links to my fellow Gun Rights Examiners. Here's what's been posted since my last Round Up:

Paul Valone/Charlotte:
Gun boycott of Marriott to be featured on Tom Gresham's 'Gun Talk' (You can listen to that interview here. His discussion takes place in the second half of the segment.)

Dan Bidstrup/Denver:
Mayor Daley sees what he wants to see

Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
Self-defense, or murder?

John Longenecker/Los Angeles:
Safer Streets 2010: Element Ten to the CPR Corollary, Part I.

Memorial Day, 2010 and Election Day, 2010.

Dave Workman/Seattle:
Wednesday is your chance to quiz SPD’s top cop candidates

Kurt Hofmann/St.Louis:
Brady Campaign compares state determination of gun laws to crack cocaine

Gun-grabbing Senate candidate Mark Kirk also grabs unearned military honors

I do hope you realize the importance of sharing these links and show these guys your support by doing so...?


As with many families, I'll be keeping the men in mine who served, sacrificed and are no longer with us in my thoughts and prayers today.

Two in particular stand out for me:

Uncle George and Uncle Nick.

Why Did ATF Suddenly Redefine Firearm Transfers?

It's not like we haven't seen arbitrary rulings and reversals before. Can anyone say for certain they know how ATF will treat past accepted practices under this new ruling, and if the interpretation will be the same a week, a month, a year from now...? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at rule-making by decree. I guess it's more convenient to do it this way.

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