Friday, June 11, 2010

GRE Round Up for June 11

Here are the latest Gun Rights Examiner posts:

Rob Reed/Detroit:
More bad news for the anti-gun crowd as the Brady Campaign sells its member list to raise cash

Dave Workman/Seattle:
Kurt Hofmann/St.Louis:
I do hope you realize the importance of sharing these links and show these guys your support by doing so...?

While you're at it, be sure and check out these other liberty-oriented Examiners:

We're the Only Ones Evicting Enough

I got this from The Cliffs of Insanity.

Meet Assistant Chief Ron Buckmaster.


Chief Tim Buelow offers his take:
"I'm not going to second-guess my officers on the street," he said. "Audio and video can sometimes not tell the whole story."
Then again, chief, sometimes they can.

They invite contact.

You might want to ask "Only One" Ron some similar questions to the ones I asked Sheriff John. Like where does he get the authority to make up the law and what would happen if someone says "No" and means it?

A New Liberty News/Safer Streets Newsletter

John Longenecker just sent me another one.

If you want to start receiving them it couldn't be easier--just click:

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We're the Only Ones "These Aren't the 'Roids You're Looking For" Enough

Two more Akron police officers are on leave amid suspicion of using anabolic steroids, a department spokesman confirmed Thursday. [More]
"Only Ones" with roid rage. What could go wrong?

Now Hulk MAD!!!

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Driven Enough

Four Officers Among Several Indicted in RI Drug Probe...

The three other officers were arrested in March. They include a narcotics detective and a former police driver for Providence Mayor
David Cicilline (sis-uh-LEE’-nee). [More]
You know, another Mayor Against (Your) Guns (TIE'-runt).

Obviously only a few bad apples...albeit ones who had enough confidence in their ability to navigate the system they were pretty sure they could get away with things.

Yeah, these are the people I want controlling me.

[Via Harvey]

Just Give Them What They Want

Otherwise, the assailant may take your gun away from you and use it against you.

Or, you could take his away from him if he's a moron.

I'm glad things worked out, but I still think the superior plan is to just shoot him with your own.

'Dear Abby' Gives Good Advice on 'Gun-Toting Churchgoer'

You don't like it, leave. Your parents can do the same if it bothers them. Otherwise, deal with it. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at counsel to a hoplophobe that's surprisingly good, considering the source.

Share the link?

This Day in History: June 11

Our troops here are in as high health as ever men were, & in no skirmishing during the whole winter have the rebel parties stood before them...not less than 1000 prisoners here; near thrice that number have deserted from them since we came here. Washington's head quarters are still at Valley forge; his numbers are variously talked of from 8000 to 12,000...The Virginians are so tired of the service that the Congress cannot raise men though they are offering 50 pounds of bounty to a single man...[More]