Wednesday, June 30, 2010

GRE Round Up for June 30

Here's the latest from my Gun Rights Examiner colleagues:

Ed Stone/Atlanta:
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan should be filibustered. We have learned a lot more about Elena Kagan and her...
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Anthony Bouchard/Cheyenne:
The Disclose Act goes against the one thing Wyomingites cherish even more than guns, PRIVACY. Aside from that, letting the political elite decide how...

Mike Stollenwerk/DC:
Last March experts were lauding Starbucks for its best business practice of accepting legal customer gun carry. Subsequently the Brady Campaign...

Sean McClanahan/Des Moines:
As Iowa transitions to a “Shall Issue” system of issuing the Iowa Permit to Carry Weapons, one area of concern is local preemption. In...
Elena Kagan, President Obama's most recent appointee to the United States Supreme Court, is currently testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee...

Dave Workman/Seattle:
Post-McDonald: Anti-gunners clearly will push the limit
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 · 2 comments
It hasn’t taken long for Chicago Mayor Richard Daley to make clear his intentions to push the limit on how...
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Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:

To BuzzFlash editor Mark Karlin, the reason for the Supreme Court's McDonald decision is simple--racism: If you think the 5-4 partisan hack...
It is now a settled point of Constitutional law that the right to own firearms is one that must be honored by not only the federal government, but by...

Chris Woodard/Tucson:
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010
Dear Justice Sotomayor, May I humbly pose a question? Can a Supreme Court Justice be impeached? The...
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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 · 2 comments
The NRA is just one among several gun rights groups that are hailing McDonald as a landmark decision. Lets just...
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I do hope you realize the importance of sharing these links and show these guys your support by doing so...?

While you're at it, be sure and check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough

Kevin Michael Sianez, 53, of Fountain Valley was charged last week in a 63-count criminal complaint that includes three misdemeanor charges of conspiracy to commit a sexual assault of an animal by posting ads on Craigslist to have women engage in bestiality with his dog. [More]
Alrighty then...

But I guess in fairness he's not an "Only One":
Sianez is charged with...five counts of possession of a firearm by a felon due to a 1998 conviction for stalking...and possession of ammunition by a prohibited person.
Just one of those "few bad apples" we occasionally hear about once in a blue moon...

[Via DJK]

Security Questions Raised

There are questions about security at the centerpiece of Indianapolis' convention business after an armed robbery in a restroom. [More]
I've got a question.

Couldn't the perp read?
[Via HZ]

Down in the West Texas Town of El Paso...

It does appear that the rounds may have come from an incident that occurred in Juarez. [More]
If only we would listen to Felipe...

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Blacked Out Enough

Why do they do this?

Because they can.

When won't they do this?

When they can't.

That's when you'll see the arrogance disappear. But not until then.

An Originalist Perspective

What Thomas has created, however, is a legal defense of the Second Amendment so thoroughly original...[More]
No it's not, Courtland Milloy. How could you not already know this stuff?

This information has been argued for many years, from Clayton Cramer's ground-breaking work to attempts by many, myself included, to get some of you ivory tower ignoramuses to take your knee-jerk prejudiced-against-guns blinders off and look at the damn facts--and it's always met with either silence or self-blinded denial.

I don't suppose you've heard of "No Guns for Negroes," either? Or of "Black Man with a Gun"?

Sheesh, Courtland, where ya been?

How you can call yourself a journalist, especially with the resources at your disposal and being paid good money to investigate and know what you write about is beyond me. Such demonstrable ignorance presuming to inform a substantial readership seems like malpractice at best.

Except I've come to expect nothing more from you "Only Ones"-promoting "Authorized Journalists."

NRA's Cox calls RedState report 'a lie'

I see no good reason for NRA not making its objections known before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The "political capital" apologia does not wash--if there was ever a time to take a firm stand, it is now. If only certain authorized individuals can speak on behalf of the Association, why isn't Cox appearing? NRA presents itself as the leader, but the battle has begun and they're absent from the field, telling us their role is to be observers, not combatants. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a denial of words against a denial of actions.

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This Day in History: June 30

The Battle of Alligator Bridge took place on June 30, 1778, and was the major engagement in Colonel Elijah Clarke's third and final unsuccessful campaign to conquer East Florida. In a disastrous battle, Clarke's 300 Georgia militiamen went up against a far larger force composed of British regulars, Tories, and Indians. His defeat left the area firmly under British control. [More]