Tuesday, July 06, 2010

GRE Round Up for July 6

I hope everyone had a good Independence Day weekend. I haven't done a Round Up since last Friday, so here's what my Gun Rights Examiner colleagues have been up to:

Don Gwinn/Chicago:
What: Second Amendment Freedom Rally Where: Downtown Chicago at the James R. Thompson building (located at the corner of Randolph and Clark Streets,...
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Mike Stollenwerk/DC:
On July 1, 2010, Virginia and New Mexico legalized the concealed carry of handguns in restaurants where alcohol is served. That makes 43 states...

Dan Bidstrup/Denver:
I was delighted when the Supreme Court case District of Columbia v Heller was decided in favor of the individual's right to keep and bear arms. I...

Sean McClanahan/Des Moines:
On January 1, 2011, all residents of Iowa will follow the same set of rules in order to obtain an Iowa Permit to Carry Weapons. Currently, the ability...
As we celebrate the country's 234th birthday today, we have the opportunity to reflect on some of the rhetoric and reaction to the recent McDonald vs....
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Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
Last week the Supreme Court, in McDonald v Chicago, determined that the Second Amendment is incorporated to state...
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John Longenecker/Los Angeles:
Gun control itself has to be getting very suspicious to non-gun owners. The reaction of gun ban entities is just...
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Dave Workman/Seattle:

Washington State’s self-defense statute is pretty clear, and it has stood the test of time and investigative...
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Washington State could use some guys like Jackson County, WI District Attorney Gerald R. Fox, a fellow who might...
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Chris Woodard/Tucson:
Chicago’s Mayor Daley and the Chicago City Council have been busy. Chicago approves new gun restrictions...
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......has served with us just about everywhere in the world. In WWI, she received many bullet holes. In WWII,...
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I do hope you realize the importance of sharing these links and show these guys your support by doing so...?

While you're at it, be sure and check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Jack Goes For...Uh...Backs Down

Looks like Jackie-Boy thought better of threatening to assault law-abiding patrons of his employers and has gone back and tried to erase his tracks.

Here's the altered version.

Here's the cached original version and a screen shot of what he's trying to run away from:

Wow, what a man. Be funny if it were a plain clothes LEO, wouldn't it?

Not that there's much actual danger. RichmondGuns.com has more, including his admission that he's all talk:
Oh and we would call the police ASAP. I'm not foolish enough to mess with these gun-toting idiots.
Based on results, I'm not sure there are limits to this pathetic child's foolishness.

[Via Mack H]

An Operational Assessment

Inquiry into functioning of Central Firearm Registry [More]
It's working as intended--reducing freedom for the "law-abiding" and not doing a thing to address those causing the problems--all the while keeping that gravy train chugging down the tracks...

We're the Only Ones Inadvertently Hitting Something Enough

"We do not know if we have a weapon that malfunctioned or if they inadvertently hit something on a weapon that caused it to go off," Chief Deputy Mike Andrews said. [More]
What, like the trigger...?

[Via David S]

Witness for the Prosecution

While Morris fled on foot, police said Brantley drove away. She was questioned and released Tuesday — but then arrested Friday on a federal charge of witnessing a felony and failing to report it...Brantley is accused of knowing Morris was a felon in possession of a gun, a federal violation. Some argue that the law conflicts with the Fifth Amendment, which protects people from being witnesses against themselves. [More]
This is just all kinds of wrong.

[Via Ed M]

Meanwhile, Over at the Department of Pre-Crime...

A year rarely goes by when the Pennsylvania parole board doesn't come under fire because someone it let out early has killed again.

In 2008, inmates released long before their maximum sentences expired killed two police officers in Philadelphia, last year one killed a Pittsburgh police officer, and eight days ago a murderer who was twice paroled allegedly slaughtered four people in Northampton. [More]
And now some egghead says his computer can predict who will kill again--and importantly, who won't!

The story doesn't say if he'll let them stay with his family during the parole period...

We're the Only Ones Despondent Enough

“In this case - as in many cases in which armed law enforcement officers have been the subjects of covert criminal investigations - I had substantial concerns for Ms. Henderson’s safety and for the safety of others. In my training and experience, law enforcement officers can become despondent, and even suicidal, when faced with criminal charges,” O’Neil said. [More]

Seems we've run into corroboration of that fear before, and it significantly exceeds results for the general population.

Maybe all these disarmament schemes are going after the wrong people...

'Gun Control Doesn't Work'

A generation from now, legal and policy discussions will look back and see gun control for the sham that it has always been. [Read]
Nice to see that message on NPR.

Is Bill O'Reilly changing tune on Second Amendment?

"All gun crimes"?

Think about that. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at an incomplete conversion that defaults unsurprisingly to fascism.

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This Day in History: July 6

However, on July 6, 1778, all his property, including the powder mills and 202 acres, were confiscated. [More]