Tuesday, July 13, 2010

GRE Round Up for July 13

Here's the latest from my Gun Rights Examiner colleagues:

Don Gwinn/Chicago:
Under a cloudless July sky in downtown Chicago last week, McDonald plaintiffs David and Colleen Lawson addressed the irony of Chicago's response:...Keep Reading »

Dave Workman/Seattle:

He has allegedly stolen airplanes, motor boats and committed lots of other crimes including commercial and...Keep Reading »
I do hope you realize the importance of sharing these links and show these guys your support by doing so...?
While you're at it, be sure and check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

A former Durham policeman who admitted trading guns has told the BBC that he sold weapons openly in police stations. [More]
Fortunately, "Only Ones" rules apply, meaning "a suspended prison sentence." Otherwise, it could have been much worse.

Pip pip! Jolly good!

[Via Firehand]

We're the Only Ones Horsing Around Enough

Investigation reports obtained by The Californian indicate Payne contacted the Sheriff's Department in January 2006 to report that a horse she was caring for as a favor to a friend had been stolen...Payne later admitted to selling the horse, valued by its owner at $6,500. She also admitted to lying to investigators when she reported the horse had been stolen. [More]
No doubt just one of a few bad road apples...

[Via Carl S]

We're the Fauxnly Ones...

You guys aren't cops...[More]
Well, they have guns, uniforms and badges...

[Via ebd10]

Constructive Possession?

[Y]ou would think that the Police Superintendent, a former FBI Special Agent, should know a little bit about Federal law. [More]
Discussion? Under what circumstances can the spouse or relative of a felon have a gun in the same house?

I remembered reading something about G. Gordon Liddy saying his wife had a nice collection and found an old discussion...

Mike TV

Well, it's already happened, actually... [More]

Here's the back-story.

UN global gun control conference begins in New York

The official policy, written and implemented by those who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, is to join forces with the most radical anti-gun zealots on the planet. And to be "pleased" about it. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the ongoing subversive activities of enemies foreign and domestic. There's really no other way to describe them.

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