Monday, August 16, 2010

Can police 'gun snitch' programs backfire?

I guess all those Australian "gun control" measures we heard about a few years back haven't worked?

Not that we've done any "better" in this country. Take Washington D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier--please! [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at all kinds of potential for abuse if we become a nation of snitches.

Also see an "Only One"/"Authorized Journalist" gun incompetence challenge and read a retraction that wasn't exactly automatic.

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The Best Laid Plans

"Time constraints" precluded the complete conveyance of some planned words. [Read]

We saw how Mike had to adapt.

Western Rifle Shooters Association brings us an alternative delivery method for another speaker caught short.

The Ultimate Authority?

I wouldn't have phrased it that way, but what the heck--he looks better than most. [Read]

Wonder how he'd do on this...?

We're the Only Ones Personal Enough

Knight has long been an activist of tightening gun laws. On the site, he notes: "It's personal..." [More]
Yeah, you're right, @$$h0le, it is.

You want to start pulling death numbers out, let's take a look at citizens murdered by government, all enabled by jackbooted brownshirts like yourself.

Is that personal enough for you? We can make it more so if you like.

You fascist douchebag police state parasites and your useful idiot cheerleaders seem bent on guaranteeing that outcome.

We're the Only Ones "Hot Dog!" Enough

Authorities say a Cincinnati police dog has died after an officer left it in a hot car. [More]
What happens if a non-"Only One" kills a police dog?

Because I'm a Lying Sack?

"How is it that you can have an F rating from the NRA, and you can sit up here and tell us that you're going to defend sportsmen's rights?" Emmer asked. [More]
See my title for the answer.

What the hell are "cop killer bullets"?

And more importantly, what the hell are "sportsmen's rights"?

I wonder how the contenders would do on these? My experience is most sportsmen have surprisingly big "buts."