Wednesday, August 18, 2010

GRE Round Up for August 18

Here's the latest from my Gun Rights Examiner colleagues:

Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
Greenback yard invasion

Greenback yard invasion injures mayor

Dave Workman/Seattle:
One down, many to go following Tuesday primary

Be sure and check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:
And John Longenecker has a new issue of Liberty News/Safer Streets.

Share these links?

Total ban fails to stop Chinese gun trade

The paradox and unintended consequence for the gun banners is, the more they make owning a gun difficult, the more innovative and unregulated the market becomes. They create conditions where the real world outcome is exactly the opposite of what they say they want. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a Great Wall--one where the best gun deals in town are offered.

Also read my GUNS Magazine recap of McDonald and find out who's ratting out who today on Trigger Sports Live!

NOTE: As many of you have noted, is screwed up nine ways from Sunday with their site "upgrade." I published this over four hours ago and it still is not showing up on my main page. Also, I am aware that some of the embedded links don't work--their publishing tool added an extra "http"--I corrected it in draft form two hours ago when I noticed, but those changes still have not migrated to the live page.

I've been getting quite a few emails on this--subscriptions route readers to error pages, innocuous comments get rejected by a profanity filter on the fritz, etc., etc.

You should see things from my end. We content providers are spitting mad. I've personally filled out at least four tech support tickets and have identified literally dozens of new foul-ups this ill-designed and handled "upgrade" has caused--from things that deeply impact my ability to do basic formatting to outrageous disconnects that seem designed to drive away old readers and make it more difficult to attract new ones.

On that note, I've gotten a few emails from the former who say they will no longer be reading because of this, or forwarding links, as I always ask regular readers to do.

If I could wave a magic wand and make things different I would, but I can't--so I'm forced to either fight on the terrain I find myself in--or give up and retreat.

Hopefully things will smooth out soon. Please be patient, and above all, please have mercy on me--I already get over a hundred emails a day and can do nothing about tech issues. Matter of fact, I'd consider it a favor if you would contact them instead.

Don't be gentle. I haven't been.

Up, Up and Away...

Vanderboegh reports on a maiden voyage. [Read]

Those BATFUers can't do anything without destroying things, can they? I guess we should be thankful that we see no engulfing flames...

[Evacuating the Concrete @$$hole, L-R:
Observing/reporting Waldo in background,
Deputy Ken, Little Jimmy, Agent Keeku,
unnamed dog that miraculously survived a raid
(ballast, to be dropped for lift when they hit the jet stream),
Andy "straw man" Traver and visiting Fibbie Lon Horiuchi]


Or simply telling it like it is? [Read]

Some Fairfax ΓΌber alles apologists don't understand the difference.

The pistolero does, and tells it like it is.

We're the Only Ones Bordering on Despair Enough

After a bad day on the job as a Border Patrol agent, Eddie DeLaCruz went home and began discussing with his wife how to celebrate her upcoming birthday. Then he casually pressed his government-issued handgun under his chin and pulled the trigger. [More]
Anybody hear the antis clamoring to ban "government-issued handguns"?

[Via Ed M]

A Popular Notion

The Victorian Police Chief Commissioner Simon Overland says he expects a rise in gun crime and shootings as Melbourne's population continues to increase. [More]
Meaning "gun control" alone isn't working--we need population control!

With edicts and administrators and enforcers and everything!

And It Will Happen Here

Calgarian who failed to report gun theft gets six-month jail term [More]
Just fill out these handy registration cards...

Kanadian Karma

Something about ousting an ardent gun controller and making him study French seems kind of fitting. [Read]