Friday, October 01, 2010

NRA posts grades and endorsements: Angle beats Reid

They have now released the grades. Their results for Nevada have been posted: Sharron Angle gets an "A". Harry Reid gets a "B."

In every grading system I'm aware of, an "A" wins over a "B". [More]

Today's second Gun Rights Examiner column asks a rather basic question: When you have a clear winner, why not reward it? Otherwise, what's the point of winning?

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A Badge of Honor

For Senator Gillibrand, "F" From the NRA a Grade to Be Proud Of [More]
I want to show you something: It's my shocked face.

Coming Soon!

Nothing yet, as of 12:33 PM EST.

I hope they're not waiting until the end of the day so the staffers can give people a weekend to cool down...

We're the Only Ones Pig at the Trough Enough

Atlanta’s Chief Operating Officer Peter Aman is floating a proposal to the City Council that would allow Turner, 51, to “retire” on paper, but immediately be rehired as chief in order to start collecting his $100,000 pension.

Aman said that because Turner would have retired, he would collect his pension and the $200,000 salary that goes with being police chief. [More]

I'm gonna start calling this compensation for public "servants" phenomenon the Bell Curve.

So, unless I'm mistaken, what he's saying is it's time to feed the hog...?

[Via Harvey]

There's Always Something You Can Do...

Gonzalez said he has contacted the Mexican consulate and asked them to look for the man. He said there was nothing else he could do. [Read]

Let's look at this as a "lake half full" situation...Seems to me this is a great opportunity to have some sport and win some prize money. 

I mean, it's supposed to be a recreation area, right?

[Via Ed M]


True, Wisconsin residents are not legally required to hand over an ID simply for possessing a visible weapon, but we suggest they do it anyway. [More]
 You know, cede to unlawful demands backed by unlawful force out of "respect" ...

And  no small amount of fear and unnecessary endangerment that could be avoided altogether.

Cal-Guns recently helped out a guy but concluded this:
We do not encourage Unloaded Open Carrying of firearms in urban areas at this time...

Until that day, these officers had never heard of the burgeoning Unloaded Open Carry movement, in which persons entitled to possess firearms exercise their right to lawfully carry unloaded, holstered handguns...
That is inexcusable.  And the solution should not be giving up even more rights because the "Only Ones" are ignorant of their duties and in violation of their oaths.

What's the best solution?

This should work, quickly, cheaply, easily and effectively.

Put the responsibility and accountability where it belongs. Why the idiots at the JournalTimes don't realize respect is earned, as opposed to mandated through implied force, "diversity" propaganda, etc., is yet another self-evident fail on the part of "progressives".

I'd add one thing: How hard would it be for the state AG to also issue a press release explaining the law to the "Authorized Journalists," who, after all, for the most part just parrot what the agenda-drivers feed them anyway. Maybe if they also did their job and informed the public, some of the knee-jerk hysteria would die down.

[Via RW and Jrp1947]

What's In YOUR Wallet?

Gun laws make Va. a mecca for felons with credit cards [More]
Well then, the answer is obvious! Ban credit cards!  Cash or barter transactions only!

What the hell is wrong with these felons? Maybe we need a law against breaking the law...

The Price of Self-Indulgence

Mr Pallaras asked whether the community would be safer without guns, including those owned by legitimate gun club enthusiasts. "Can anyone seriously question the proposition that the community pays far too high a price to continue to indulge gun owners in their selfishness?" [More]
Thanks for candidly showing us the end game.  It'll come in handy next time some snotty anti ridicules the "slippery slope" argument.

Keep your eyes open for the "selfish" argument to be used more and more.  I've seen it raised in the past, and if they think the meme will work to further  alienate and discourage, well, it's not exactly like  subversives are actually "above" anything.

A Contradiction in Terms

Democrat Schneiderman today proposed combating illegal guns and gun smuggling through an eight-point plan that uses new technology, and a special “I-95” coalition to crack down on illegal guns, while upholding the Second Amendment rights. [More]
Yeah, that'll work.

Enforce existing infringements!

Fed Judge Rejects Firearms Freedom

"Only the U.S. Supreme Court can do that. In that light, the pending dismissal by the District Court means little except that we are now free to move to the next step of the process." [More]

Hell of a thing, when you know you're right.

Ultimately, if SCOTUS elects not to hear this, it will be because they perceive they don't have to.

We're the Only Ones Searching Enough

Searches of vehicles crossing into Mexico are yielding few weapons in what U.S. officials concede is a frustrating effort to slow the flow of guns to violent Mexican cartels operating across the U.S. border. [More]
Is it possible they're not getting 90% of their stones and grenades from sources that would dry up if only we could better

Gun Owners of America releases 2010 candidate grades

"[T]he GOA Rating Guide is your tool for cutting through the bull that candidates are throwing at you during this election season," they state.

How do they do that? [More]
Today's first Gun Rights Examiner column looks at another tool in the kit.


Yeah, NRA is supposed to activate their grades & endorsements page today, and I plan on doing another post when they do.

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This Day in History: October 1

I delivered your last letters which came by Post, to Mr. Whiteside that he might try what could be done with Salt, and I desired him to tell you how much I disapproved of Speculating in that Article. I dislike it because it tends to raise or keep Up the price of so necessary an Article & I disapproved of it at this time because I think it an Ill judged Speculation. I hope you may not have bought any and wish you to Countermand Your orders immediately. [More]