Political? US?

Just because we're giving free air time with "preselected "diversity" questioners and no equal time? [Read]

Who's interferin'?  We're takin' over.

Eat fascist death, flaming media pigs.

Liars. Liars and traitors all.

UPDATE: And more.  And Arianna's busing them.

"Failed to Meet the Burden"

We have met the burden and it is Judge Virginia M. Kendall. [Read]


The guy reminds me of no one so much as Foghorn Leghorn.  This is a good case study for examining the poverty and fraudulence of the "progressive" argument. [Read and watch]

The Mark of Zorro

Vanderboegh advises WorldNetDaily of a certain senorita and Alcalde they should talk to.


"He makes the sign of the III..."

Obama agency busts plan to sell rifles to Americans

Bob Unruh at WorldNetDaily adds further details to yesterday's GRE.

Click here to read his report.

Please forward the link far and wide. Showing them this type of reporting generates readership, interest, letters, etc. certainly can't hurt in terms of encouraging them that honest reporting of topics avoided by the "mainstream" is appreciated.

Not all 'crime guns' have been used in crimes

Of course, none of the antis will tell us this. They're counting on the term "crime gun" evoking an emotional response, one that will make their relentless demands for universal controls and registration seem appealing to a critical mass of those who don't know any better. And the thing is, they have a great advantage, with the bully pulpits their positions afford them, with their resources and access, and with a media that largely supports their agenda with what amounts to millions of dollars in free publicity.[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column highlights how difficult it can be to get a simple truth heard when it doesn't support the agenda of powerful interests with louder voices.

Also see what's currently being headlined over at WorldNetDaily, find out how some Connecticut gun owners are voting, and stand your ground with me later today on Trigger Sports LIVE!

Share the link?  You know, to help reach more eyes because people sure won't get this stuff from any mainstream "Authorized Journalists"...?