Blood on the Streets!

Forget that most of it is bad blood--we'll do our utmost to scour for anecdotes to scare the sheep into demanding someone DO something about those vigilante self-defenders! [Read]

As for those of you with no violent intentions, a comment to one of my earlier posts (I can't find it now to attribute proper credit) said something along these lines, borne out by my own experiences: One great way to not get shot by a homeowner is to not get so drunk you have no idea which house you're trying to enter.  Following that simple safety tip has kept me safe all these years, and it couldn't be easier!

[Via Ed M]

Liberty News/Safer Streets

John Longenecker just put out a new issue of his newsletter. [Read]

You can sign up to receive it here.

We're the Only Ones Hesitant Enough

Some police believe videotaping officers poses broad risks that reach beyond Internet embarrassments: It could cause officers to hesitate in life-threatening situations. [More]
Depending on what the situation is and whose life is being threatened, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

[Via lots of you]

A Faith-Based Initiative

Helmke to Pastor: Have More Concern For Fifth Commandment Than Second Amendment [Read]
Pastor to Helmke: Explain that to guys like these, will you?  In person?

And hope they're Catholic or Lutheran?

A Safer Community

Hundreds of weapons were recovered today in both Atlantic City and Pleasantville.

It's all part of a program that calls for surrending [sic] your guns and getting cash in return. [More]
You know, "an effort to make the community safer."

What better way to do that than to induce people who have no knowledge of safe gun handling and even less of New Jersey gun laws to pick them up and transport them across town?

Plus, it helps us pad those numbers!

Unfortunately, it's not just "a Jersey thing."

Over the Top?

In a campaign season of over-the-top ads, one stands out.

A series of mailers accuse at least two Republican legislative candidates of supporting convicted rapists’ and other felons’ possession of handguns.

The claim, made by the Nevada State Democratic Party, is false, according to gun law experts in Nevada and nationwide. [More]
Guess they either never heard of "shall not be infringed," or else "Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian."

How could any responsible legal system allow some proven monster to walk among us? And if he's a "felon" for reasons like, say, defying this, what kind of proven monster would demand he be disarmed?

Guns and Weed

Michael Dean's new trailer... [Watch]

Even these guys see the danger, if not the same conclusion.

My position?  If you don't endanger or victimize anyone, it's none of my business.

Make it my business and expect a disapproving reaction.

Mine accident brings to mind hypocrisy of anti-gunners

A mine accident strands dozens deep underground. Rescuers from the surface employ an escape tube to bring them to the surface, to reunite with the loved ones they left behind. And as ridiculous as he knows it to be, one of the survivors can't help but think "Ya got me, McDade." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column takes you on a family tour, down a mine, up an escape tube and into the past...Y'know, this is too convoluted to really explain. If you're intrigued by the teaser, you're just going to have to go read it.

Also hear Tom Gresham interview Chris Cox about some of the recent controversies we've been discussing of late.

Share the link?

And yeah, I see the typo. Damned has been messing up all morning doing it's best to preclude me from posting a slide show and erasing an entire morning's work--and now it won't let me get back in to edit. I don't think they appreciate my proposed slogan: Just slightly ahead of our ability.

This Day in History: October 18


Head Quarters, Frederick'sburgh, Sunday, October 18, 1778.

Parole Tunbridge. Countersigns Thrace, Tenbury.

Lieut. Augustine Taylor 19 of the 7th. Connecticutt Regiment is appointed Pay Master to the same from the 27th. day of July last.

[Note:Lieutenant Taylor was transferred to the First Connecticut Regiment in January, 1781, and resigned in June of that year. ]

Colo. Greaton is appointed President of the Genl. Court Martial which is to sit tomorrow morning ten o'Clock, vice Colo. Patten [More]