Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's Always Funny in Philadelphia

Philadelphia officials clear 19,400 fugitives [More]

They need to conserve precious law enforcement resources to keep people from being insolent.

[Via Steve T]

Surprised by the Notion

Tashonna Wicks wants to attend Kilgore College next semester. She was surprised by the notion, "Not everyone is responsible enough," she said. [More]
Well, if you wish to be less than a full citizen and relegate yourself to being dumb meat, Tashonna, I support that--just as long as you don't also expect me to support you.

But you're right: Freedom is for "grown ups."

Come to grips with that notion and you may be even more surprised.

[Via Michael R]

We're the Only Ones Just Being Stupid Enough

No. That's just being dangerous and creepy. [Read]

It's the kind of dangerous creepiness that merits just being shot when caught in the act.

[Via FFFW]

Georgia REAL Right to Carry

Naturally, the "anti-Liberty establishment" does not approve.

And some gun owners are our worst enemies. Hey Barbara Glore, that's some big "but" you have there, lady.

The CBSAtlanta story is here, and there's no shortage of ignorant comments where readers could benefit from a reality infusion.  The video said there was a poll, but the one on the main page now deals with airport security--if anyone can find it, please give us the link in "Comments."

Georgia Gun Owners is carrying the load on this and could use your help:

Meanwhile, Over in "The Beloved Country"...

So much for that Invictus "master of my fate/captain of my soul" blather. [Read]

More proof strict "gun control" works...but not the way most think.  What did ol' Morgan/Nelson say?
It is a human calculation.

[Via cycjec]

We're the Only Ones with Screwy Policies Enough

Drew Binkley was promoted to deputy sheriff because of his hard work, dedication and years of service ... not because he is screwing the sheriff's daughter...you better look in your policy manual at the reasons you may be dismissed #10, page four which states 'publicly criticizing any official decision or policy. P.S. You screw with me and I'll use #10 on you. [More]

If he does this to subordinate "Only Ones," can you imagine how he'd screw with just plain folks?

All totally within established department policy, of course...

But I'm no doubt being unfair, because if you look at what he says about himself, we find:
He was taught the values of honesty, fairness, and respect for others and their feelings... He believes in equal justice for all...I believe in a friendly and peaceful work place, a work place where individuals respect each other, a work place free of racism, sexual harassment and violence.
[Via FFFW]

A Hero's Welcome

A dog rescued from Afghanistan after she alerted soldiers to a suicide bomber was accidentally euthanized at an Arizona shelter on Monday. A Pinal County Animal Care and Control employee has been placed on administrative leave for failing to follow procedures and euthanizing the wrong dog. [More]
Well, there's a missed opportunity...

[Via Michael G]

ATF testimony admits many unregistered machine guns allowed by ruling

You got that, right? They’re the same gun. If you put one produced before the deadline and one produced after it side by side, you would not be able to tell the difference. They would look and function identically. Own one without registration and you’re fine. Own the other without registration and you’re looking at serious time in the federal slammer, as well as becoming a “prohibited person”-- for life. Assuming you survive the arrest.[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at yet another outrageous and absurd BATFU inconsistency that they nevertheless can and do destroy people over--and evidently, all for no good reason.

Also meet Obama's pick to be the Chief BAT-F... U...--and tell NRA why they must score confirmation votes against whoever approves this character.

Please share the link.

This Day in History: November 16

“I wish to have no Connection with any Ship that does not Sail fast for I intend to go in harm's way.” [More]