A Self-Correcting Problem?

In my estimate, the TSA workers will no doubt, within one year, be getting signs of radiation poisoning and most likely an increase in cancer by thousands of percentage points due to their work around the radiation. [More]
Hey! Let's get him in front of that flower-scopee and see what inside of him!

We're the Only Ones Incompetent Enough

Collins’ attorney argued Collins was incompetent to stand trial and was being evaluated for a head injury that stemmed from falling down a ravine at work.

At the time of his arrest, Collins was still employed as a police officer...[More]
This evokes nothing so much as NatLamp's "Radio Dinner" Frank Rizzo bit (11:43 on side 2)...

[Via FFFW]

We're the Only Ones "Queen to King's Level One"* Enough

A squad of cops in bulletproof vests swooped into an upper Manhattan park and charged seven men with the "crime" of playing chess in an area off-limits to adults unaccompanied by kids -- even though no youngsters were there. [More]
I guess age discrimination is OK if the government does it?
I'm wondering when this heavy-handed stormtrooping actually will turn into "a broken windows thing." And a lot more.
[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones "B-Team" Enough

Kind of like a straight-to-DVD version of "The Expendables"...? [Read]

Ferrigno--Look out behind you!


I'll tell you how old I am--I remember Peter Lupus when he billed himself as Rock Stevens in sword and sandal flicks. I thought his having a vaccination scar was the funniest damn thing...

I don't mean to be so contrary, especially as a citizen militia advocate, but I've just never been enamored of "star cops."

And I still think Sheriff Joe's got some 'splainin' to do.

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Spoiling the Barrel Enough

PD: 3 officers indicted on felony charges...Harris said he has suspended 25 other employees from off-duty work. [More]
One question: Is a "spate" of bad apples more than a "few"?

[Via Danno]

Never Mind...

John Richardson asks what's the difference between the Bradys and Emily Litella. [Read]

One more time and we'll have ourselves a spate...

The Experts Agree

Security forces also have seized tens of thousands of venerable assault rifles such as the AK-47 and its American cousin, the AR-15. U.S. and Mexican experts say 90 percent of such semi-automatic rifles are smuggled from the United States. [More]
No, not under oath they don't say that. "Authorized Journalist" Tim Johnson.

But I know we can't expect to bother you with independent fact-checking or government watchdogging when there's so much talking points parroting to be done.
[Via JR in Kansas]

Historically Huge

"This whole (Pistol Grip Shotgun) Destructive Device issue is easily the hugest single regulatory f-ckup in the history of ATF." [Read]
Vanderboegh gives us yet more on this.

We're the Only Ones Priceless Enough

Speeding and hitting a boy: $185.

Leaving him permanently brain-damaged and quadriplegic, and then getting off with a ticket: Priceless.

And no, you don't have a need to know if further discipline was applied. And "Authorized Journalist" Hayley Peterson apparently doesn't think the name of the Montgomery County District Court judge who rendered the wrist slap needs to be public information, either.

Amazing, who the law is really designed to protect and serve.

There are some things money can't buy.  If you're an "Only One," this child is apparently not one of them.

Nice to know that, per pound, your kid is probably priced cheaper than chicken.

[Via lots of you]

Once Upon a Time...

There was a time when the major media used to do the reporting citizen journalists now do. Today, the media content themselves with recycling White House press releases and dismissing real reporters as "conspiracy theorists." [More]

Do mental health study findings demand disarming one in five Americans?

But if this survey is true, can we as a society afford allowing twenty percent of the population to roam free among us potentially armed? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column wonders how much worse things could be if the inmates really did run the asylum.  Nutty idea, freedom...

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This Day in History: November 19

As the British strategy formed, British Gen. Augustin Prevost sent his younger brother, LtCol. Mark Prevost on a forging expedition against the Liberty County settlements of Newport and Midway. He also directed Col. Lewis Valentine Fuser through the inland waterways to capture Sunbury, the second largest town in Georgia. On November 19, 1778, Prevost crossed the Altamaha River with 750 men and ravaged the plantations, killing or capturing the male citizens. [More]