Monday, December 06, 2010

Do Surry County deputies have conflict of interest in gun brandishing case?

Add to this information I obtained after posting today’s earlier report alleging the deputy responding to the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry incident also works part time at the ferry as a security guard employed by Securigard, the private contractor retained by VDOT, that he is one of two deputies employed there, and that both responded to the call...If this information is substantiated, the appearance of a professional conflict of interest becomes a fair matter for investigation and consideration in determining both sides’ accounts of what happened and whether reasonable doubt about incentives will become a factor in the outcome.[More]
In light of this development, a second Gun Rights Examiner column today is warranted.

I trust there is no conflict of interest in sharing this link?

Wenn Sie Etwas Sehen, Etwas Sagen!


I say let's do. Let's give them what they want.

If you can't pull back, go forward.

UPDATE: Alvie's take.

We're the Only Ones Exhausted Enough

Come to think of it, I could use some relief myself.

I know--I think I'll go torch a body--maybe one that my buddy shot--right after we beat the hell out  the dead guy's companions.  That always seems to help.

Plus having my lawyer assure everyone that it's not a crime, merely PTSD (Post-Torching Statist Disorder),  doesn't hurt.

You have no idea what a relief it is to get rid of all this stress!  Why a fella could get to where he actually kind of enjoys this!

[Via Defender]

We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough

Scott Allen Cole, 41, of Hesperia was charged with sexual penetration with a foreign object of a victim under the age of 18...[More]
Something about the way this story is related just makes it seem unreal--but then I remember that there's not an entry in the "Only Ones" Files that isn't unbelievable in its own way.

[Via Curtis]

We're the Only Ones Solicitous Enough

Michigan State Police are investigating whether a member of the city’s Public Safety Commission solicited a prostitute.

A firearm belonging to Commissioner Jerry King was discovered in the possession of a woman who approached a plainclothes officer. [More]
Sounds like a real blow to public service...

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Old-Fashioned Enough

“All of that could have been avoided,” said Jones, who was not home at the time. “Whatever happened to good old-fashioned investigating?” [More]
It's not as effective at fostering terror as good old-fashioned storm-trooping.

[Via William T]

It Can't Happen Here?

Why?  If the price was right? Not to mention for the sense of power? [Read]

[Via FFFW]

I Think I May Have Found the Problem

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police reports the only crossbows prohibited in Canada are those that can be fired with one hand and are 19 inches (50 centimeters) or less in length. A license or registration certificate is not required to own crossbows longer than 19 inches that require two hands to use. Such crossbows are sold in hunting shops across Canada. [More]
See? Easy access and lax laws are to blame!

And why stop at crossbows?

[Via Sam W]

A Sharp-Dressed Man

Several of you sent me this link about "knife rights." [Read]

Barring anything bigger pushing it to a back burner, I plan on talking about this in tomorrow's Gun Rights Examiner column.

Ten Little RINOs

Until this reduces down to "and then there were none," the betrayals will continue. [Read]

Regional Freedom Exchange

Here's the deal: You surrender your tools of liberty and we'll treat you with the contempt you deserve. [Read]

At least they're getting paid what they're worth.

[Via Ed M]

The Siege Engine

On January 21, 2011, the Guardians of Liberty will lay siege to federal offices in DC and all over the country. These peaceful sieges will remain in effect until:
Obamacare is Repealed
The Federal Reserve is Audited and Ended
Our rights are recognized by every government agency
No Compromises!
Join Us on the Firing Line [More]
They're doing it by rotation. Click on the link to learn more.

No Permission Slip Required

“I have a right to protect myself and my family,” he said. [More]
Indeed.  And no one has the moral authority to require you to apply for and receive permission from them before you do. Nor to charge you for the "privilege."

Authorities charge gun owner with brandishing…his finger

If that can be established, it will lend credence to the suspicion that this entire incident is one of abuse of authority in order to get back at a citizen for knowing—and insisting on his rights. And realizing their liability now that it's been exposed, those who started this fight are trying to cut a deal. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at how authoritarians react to well-made points.

Point the link out to your friends?

This Day in History: December 6

December 6, 1778
"Arrival at Quebec of the prisoners taken by Carleton during his raid. Among them were Nathan and Marshall Smith of Bridport, Benjamin Kellogg, Ward and Joseph Everest of Addison, Holcomb Spaulding, two Ferrises, Granby of Panton, and Hinckly of Shoreham. The last two were liberated to care for the women and children, who, after Burgoyne's defeat, had returned to their abandoned homes. Kellogg and Everest had been partners in the carrying trade, owning sloops together. Kellogg, after escaping the following spring and being retaken, died in prison during the winter of '79. Everest succeeded in escaping a second time from his captors and finally reached home. The party escaping from Quebec had only a small sack of flour, a frying pan, hatchet (or tomahawk) and small compass..."  [More]