Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Battle of Beliefs?

When a young man is pulled over carrying guns with filed-off serial numbers, Nick and Pete try to get the charges thrown out on the next episode of The Defenders.
For the time, being, you can watch the complete episode here. Or maybe not--I couldn't load it.  You're not missing much.

Hollywood dramatizes "illegal guns" and RKBA?
Vigilantes? Heavily armed? Darn right I'm in.

Allow me to predict a smear job that makes pretenses at presenting sympathy for all sides. Something about guns killing federal agents--and knowing CBS is behind this--tells me there's an agenda.

Here's hoping I'm wrong and that I owe all concerned an apology.

I'll know tonight.

UPDATE: All you need to know--Helmke liked it.

Breaking News: Rosenberg Arrested

We've just received word that our friend and fellow activist Joel Rosenberg has been arrested by the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office on a felony warrant, signed by Judge Janet Poston, over his lawful carry of a handgun into Minneapolis City Hall on November 5 of this year... [More]
You can see what a menace to society Joel is here (make sure you also watch parts 2 and 3).

The Northern Muckraker has the lead on this, so check that site for timely updates.

We're the Only Ones Paternal Enough

Marshallville police officer arrested, accused of shooting in direction of sons [More]
Now just a dang minute here...

I thought the law presumed "Only Ones" could handle their liquor better than us mere mortals.

Oh, now it's clear:
Moore filed an Equal Employment Opportunity complaint against Fort Valley police in which he alleged that Anderson does not promote or provide training opportunities for black officers...
Well, why didn't you say so?

While my initial reaction is to say I never needed training opportunities to tell me not to get boozed up and shoot at my boys, or to slam on my brakes in a fit of road rage to cause an accident, or to lie, well, that probably just means SPLC is right, and people like me are hate-filled bigots.

Either that or this angry, racist ticking time bomb is just a defective, self-entitled headcase blaming everyone and everything else for his being a loser...

[Via  John G]

Betray Neighbors. Live Better.

Alvie notices cheap indoctrination alongside the cheap merchandise. [Read]

A timely repeat of this was just on the other night.


If I were a lawyer, my conscience wouldn't let me work for them anyway. [Read]

No Surprise

IACP Endorses Traver To Head ATF [More]

You know.

These guys.

Hell, I'd have been surprised if they hadn't.

Poster Boys

Dennis and Josh...

It's not that they're unoriginal so much as it being a matter of why let a good pejorative go to waste, especially if you can turn it into a meme...?

And these particular poster boys are good at that.

A Domestic Terrorist

A teenage hunter in Montana is facing a school hearing in a few days that could derail her college plans, career hopes and even risk her identification as a "domestic terrorist" after she inadvertently parked in a school parking lot with a hunting rifle locked in a case inside her car trunk. [More]
Gary Marbut issued an email alert on this yesterday and I just had too much on my plate to address it. Glad to see Bob Unruh has done his typical excellent job of laying out the essentials.

Yeah, the blessings of Liberty will be secured by hammering this girl down on  the "zero tolerance" anvil.

Every time I see some functionary falling back on that as an excuse to preempt human volition, it reaffirms how subversive the hive mentality is.

The Domestic Enemy

The American people do not want to give tax cuts to billionaires. [More]
Think about that, and what it really means.

The Kensington Horror

Fear Mounts in Kensington After Another Violent Attack [Watch]
You know what they need? 

More stringent Philadelphia-specific citizen disarmament laws!

No expansion of castle walls!

And get this menace off the streets!

That'll fix things, alright.

We're the Only Ones Targeted Enough

Cop targeted in ATF gun-dealing probe [More]
With a special guest appearance by "Wrong Way" Crenshaw!

Say, just how many guns do you have to sell in a given period of time before you're a "dealer," anyway?

A Modest Proposal

So I propose this: Until such time as I make up my mind about the inherent good or evil of guns, the United States should eradicate the Second Amendment entirely. [More]
So, really don't see any holes in that proposal?

[Via Michael R]

The Fools on the Hill

All Yoko and the Bradys want you to be able to do if somebody attacks you is twist and shout...[Read]

Are ‘guns in bars’ automatically ‘a dangerous combination’?

Naturally, the cop organizations are against you having a choice in the matter. But guess who’s exempt? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column offers an alternative to the staggeringly bad idea of disarming the sober-minded.

Also meet a new GRE and take a stab at the heart of knife control on Trigger Sports LIVE!

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This Day in History: December 8

The unsuccessful attempts which have been made to ratify the Treaty of Convention of Saratoga and the asperity which seems to have crept into the Correspondence between Sir Henry Clinton and the American Congress leaves it to be conjectured that the humane purpose of a General Cartel of Exchange of Prisoners of War and Troops of the Convention will not have force so soon as good men like yourself could wish. [More]