STFU, Lord Vader

Don't you have someone to shoot in the face or something...? [Read]

And wtf with this "conservative" thinking maybe that's OK...?  I mean, you don't need a 33-round mag to hunt deer!

Yeah, pal, you're right. You're "not a member of the Second Amendment caucus."  Parrot Brady talking points much?

Yeah, I've got an argument that has nothing to do with "the slippery slope."  Matter of fact, I've got several of them.

[Via Scott J]

íHola, Amigos!

Señor Hofmann recommends we inform our neighbors to the south about Proyecto Andador Arma...[Read]

Buena idea!

Poll Watching

Scroll to poll halfway down page on right:
Quick vote
Should Congress ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds?
I'd be tempted to vote "Yes" if there were an "I dare you" option.

[Via John B]

Give 'em Hell Harry

What do they say about a broken clock being right twice a day...? [Read]

Taking the Fifth?

Or drinking it? [Read]

She must not have seen "Tropic Thunder," and the pitfalls of going "full retard."

First "white hurricanes," then the flag on Mars and now this.

You know what that means, don't you?

You're racist.

[Via Defender]

Keeping the Peace

Shouldn't he be wearing a blue helmet or something...? [Read]

[Via Ed M]

How Many Dead Tyrants Does It Take to Screw in a Lightbulb?

 If I had MY guns taken away for every bad joke I've told that fell flat, why, I'd be an outlaw. [Read]

They are approved CFL bulbs though, right?  And they're not literally "screwing in a lightbulb"?

I also need to work on my timing.

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones Buying Back Enough

Huh. That's the first time I've seen one of these things actually do what they say they do. [Read]

I always knew Furious Mike's finest were the "Only Ones" who could be trusted with these things...

[Via Matt S]

Chwick v. Mulvey Update

At this time, it is very important to stress that the Second Department's excellent ruling established that all local handgun control laws are preempted by state law, possibly opening some very strong arguments to challenge other local gun laws. However, if Nassau should appeal, to the New York Court of Appeals, and we are unable to respond because of lack of funds, then there is a real chance of us getting a ruling going the other way that has effect throughout the entire state. [More]
You can learn more about the case, including how to donate. Make sure your friends in NY know about it.

When Swordfish Skeletons are Outlawed...

Damned assault marlins. Why does anybody need a dead fish that big? [Read]

[Via Steve T]

Not Just "Vague"

..."Unconstitutionally vague"...[More]
I was hoping to say more on this, but probably not today...

That's Must Be Why They Call It "The Golden State"

Remember this as but one of countless examples when they come to us and tell us CA is bankrupt, and we need to bail them out because they're too big to fail. [Read]

And What's the Down Side for Him?

Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) this weekend called on Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. [More]
I guess this domestic enemy doesn't want to run again?

Not necessarily.

"Lesser of two evils" Hoosiers didn't mind re-upping this piece of political drek.

This is exactly why Republicans enjoying new-found power feel like they can shine us on and most will eat whatever they dish out.  Based on results, they're right.

Open Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee staff on 'Project Gunwalker'

But also understand that so far, attempts to generate interest among various senate and congressional staffers over the past few days has been a frustrating experience of evasiveness and deflection, and that also is being documented. There is far too much at stake for the brave people who are putting themselves on the line to let this continue. To do so is inexcusable. That's why this is being sent to you as an open letter, published on the Internet to apprise the media and interested citizens of the efforts we are taking to bring this matter to light.

What do we tell our guys, Mr. Downey? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column attempts to force some interest. And doesn't that just tell us everything?

Also find out why some luggage is best left unclaimed on today's Trigger Sports LIVE!

I hope you share the link and help us tip this thing over the edge to where it can't be ignored.

This Day in History: January 19

The Quarter Master General has represented to me, that our resources in point of forage will not with the greatest œconomy and management satisfy the demands of the Army - unless the Cavalry of Polaskis Legion is removed to some position where it will interfere less with the general Supply - The Counties of Kent and Sussex in your State, he thinks will be able to maintain this Corps, with less inconvenience to the Country than any other place within a reasonable distance. [More]