We're the Only Ones and You're Not Enough

Elected officials of all stripes would be able to carry a concealed weapon anywhere in South Carolina, in the course of their official duties, if a bill to come up this week in a House panel becomes law. [More]
Mr. Mason? Comment?
[W]ho are the militia, if they be not the people of this country...? I ask, who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.
Just so we're clear on who's who.

A Boundary Violation

Felony for Doctors to Ask Patients About Guns? [Read]

And the "Vote Freedom Firsters" back this affront to...uh...freedom?

I thought they were single-issue... and I don't suppose anyone's brought up that a violation of this would create a new felony crime to create more "prohibited persons"...?

There's a better way to deal with the problem. But I guess since it wasn't invented there, it doesn't qualify for serious consideration.

When Meat Thermometers are Outlawed...

And it was one of those digital assault thermometers, with no legitimate cooking purpose, as opposed to a "patrol thermometer"...[Read]

Gun Control Without a Ban

If you can't control the guns, control the people!  Ingenious! [Read]

Due process?  Are you serious?

And they may be right about "bipartisan support."  It looks like the Dead Elephants are just that stupid.

The Anti-NRA?

You flatter these privileged dilettantes, Paul Merrion. [Read]

How many members do these astro-turfers claim?

Let's see, a tiny group of individuals who desperately want to control everyone, vs. a huge group of individuals who simply want to control themselves...

Go ahead. Keep pushing.

We're the Only Ones Camera-Shy Enough

Tarpon Springs Police arrest a college student taping police activities as part of a group called "Cop Watch" [More]
How does the question constantly put to us go? If you aren't doing anything wrong...

Perhaps they'd feel better if this had the unintended consequence of forcing freedom activists to observe their conduct through telescopic (camera) lenses?

[Via Ed M]

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

A middle-class enclave on the South Shore of the city's southernmost borough is the gun capital of New York, with 509 residents -- or about one in every 57 males -- legally packing heat. [More]
I'm not sure they're packing--it sound to me like they have permits for home possession. I dunno, am I reading this wrong or making bad assumptions? Even so:
The well-armed area is also one of the city's safest.

I wonder if that tells us anything that flies in the face of what some want us to believe...?

I also wonder if someone could take this and maybe have grounds for a discrimination lawsuit...?

[Via Michael R]

We're the Only Ones Keeping Under Surveillance Enough

On January 13, 2011, a jury awarded damages of $476,200.00 against Kenneth Wayne Ryals, a landlord who had serially spied on his young female tenants by means of a micro video camera hidden in a DVD player he provided with the rental. Mr. Ryals, who is an Internal Revenue Service agent, had confessed to the Davie Police Department that he had watched Plaintiff for his viewing pleasure...[More]
As in "armed IRS agent"...? 

Or just a jack-off booted thug?

[Via Michael R]

We're the Only Ones Pointed Enough

The story is that they allows the beautiful young lady reporter to take a loaded weapon and point it over her cameraman’s shoulder. [More]
Assuming they didn't have a remote-operated camera...James Towle & crew use those all the time to capture near-target point of view action.

There are some interesting admissions from the reporterette:
It can shoot up to 90 rounds, great for confronting a serious adversary.
Ah, so that's why we might "need" such magazines...?

And the Sheriff actually touts the virtue of being able to penetrate body armor!

Meaning that's a desired capability, but only on "patrol rifles"?

[Via Jeffersonian]


The Sullivan Law, still on the books as section 400.00 of the New York Penal Law, became a model for gun-control legislation enacted throughout the country. [More]

Yep. Other evil criminals like Big Tim saw how well it worked for the Gangs of New York at strenthening their political grasp over those they boss.

[Via Lane]

Shock and Awe

That four were shot at once in Detroit wasn’t shocking; that they were all uniformed and armed was. [More]
Yes, it is shocking that someone would attack armed targets. It is highly unusual and rare.

There's a lesson there somewhere...

[Via lots of you]

ATF technical classifications create back door ‘gun control’

Will .22 rimfires fall under new reporting controls? Will CA bullet button system be classified as detachable magazine? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the latest bit of dictation insiders tell me we need to take down.

Also listen in on yesterday's Project GunTALKer broadcast.

Broadcast the link?