Wednesday, March 09, 2011

NRA calls for Gunwalker investigations

NRA’s leadership in this effort, and the participation of its membership in supporting this call are essential. Adding their powerful voice to calls from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Gun Owners of America to hold Senate and House hearings increase the likelihood of this happening  to near certainty. [More]
This is good.

NRA News Interviews Grassley

From Dave Workman:
Great. Now if they'll just put out an alert and get their members to start demanding hearings--including in the House--I'll stop harassing them over this.

Ah, look:
NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox Calls for Expedited Hearings into BATFE Investigative Tactics
Mike has his own way of welcoming them.

Napolitano: "I Know Him Not"

"Did you sign off on this operation, and if so, when?" Grassley asked.

"No," said Napolitano, "this is within the Justice Department."  [More]

Man, the cock didn't even have to crow, did it?

[Via Jim N]

Project Gunwalker ‘becoming a major scandal’

It’s past time mainstream “authorized journalists” stopped parroting the line ATF would like them to follow—certainly Project Gunrunner had catching big players as a goal, but the directed way the specific walking operation devolved leads to a conclusion the mainstream press has yet to explore: that elements within ATF intended guns to be found exactly for the reasons reported by Vanderboegh and me, to score some media success stories, to justify expansion of ATF power and authority, and to help gin up public demand for more “gun control” laws, such as a renewed “assault weapons” ban prematurely floated by Eric Holder two years ago. The anti-gun coalition has been using the Mexican crime gun canard ever since to try and build political support for just such an attempt, resorting to—you guessed it—padding statistics to do it. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the story just keeps growing. But it needs a bit of steering to make sure it grows in the right direction.

Has “Project Gunrunner” Become “Project Gunwalker”?

Editor’s Note: Due to the timely nature of David Codrea’s “Rights Watch” column we have decided to begin running it here on the website first. The stories below will also run in the print edition of GUNS in June and July, respectively. Be sure to check back and read “Rights Watch” here first—while it’s hot. [More]
The magazine has noticed the story picking up steam and decided not to wait for it to hit the newsstands.

Mexican government calls for ‘working group’ to examine gun-walking charges

Congressman Humberto Trevino has estimated the toll of “Project Gunwalker” guns linked to injuries or deaths to date at 150, although his authoritative source for making that claim has, as yet, not been publicly disclosed. Still, with the totality of guns allowed to cross the border and the duration of such operations in question due to stonewalling and deception, the probability that these firearms have been and will continue to be used in crimes of violence on both sides of the border remains high. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a price in blood and a proposed U.S.-Mexico group grope that further drops this mess into Hillary's lap. If you were Holder, would you want to be sitting there?

Also: Read a magazine article before it hits the stands and then walk those guns over to the talk show circuit.