Rapid-Fire Foolishness

Great "straight news" story there, Jon Campbell.  Nice to see personal bias getting in the way of honest reporting by someone who clearly has no understanding of what the f*** he's talking about.

You know, standard "Authorized Journalism."

So the new "heroism" is someone bleeding under a desk, unable to do anything but call for others to come risk their lives and deploy with guns?  Really?

Someone who thinks "Congress [will] protect us" in an active shooter situation?

Oh, that's right--if you ban standard capacity magazines (aka "assault clips"!!!) you won't have any more active shooters.

Well, maybe not quite. The congressthing's spokesflack quoted in the story says we also need "mental health care measures, to ensure such a horrific event never occurs again."

And if that doesn't work, we can release the Conflict Widows!

Her Honor the Mayor

Or her lack of honor... [Read]

This is my shocked face.

Larry King Live

Actually, that's Larry Pratt and Andrea Shea King.

He'll be appearing on her Radio Patriot Show on Thursday night.  The program begins at 9:00 pm EST.

Conflict Widows to the Rescue!

As a mark of protest against unabated violence in the state a sit in demonstration was staged at Palace Compound jointly organized by Women action for development (WAD), Conflict Widows’ Forum (CWF) and other like minded NGOs, upholding the slogan to End Violence. [More]
Traditionalist that I am, I liked the old ways better...

SAF Sues Bloomberg

See the original announcement here.

Here's the actual complaint:
SAF-NYC-Complaint--FINAL (1)

Even Safer Streets

John Longenecker has a new book out: "Even Safer Streets 2011 - The Second Amendment as a Mainstream Value [Kindle Edition]."

Click here for information.

Also, I've been wrapped around the axle for the past few days and haven't been able to put up links to the latest Liberty News/Safer Streets offerings.

Click here and here for those.

And here's today's.

ATF’s ‘in part’ FOIA response indicative of Bureau stonewalling

“Your request is granted in part,” LaBrie continues. We are releasing the disclosable portions of the documents and withholding portions for the reasons shown on the cover sheet that accompanies the documents."

“In part” is an understatement... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that some stone walls are made of paper. Still, there is information to be learned here.

Also, catch up with the latest "Project Guntalker" radio segments.

Please share this link, including with your senators and representative, and demand that they demand answers.

This Day in History: April 6

An order of April 6, 1779, issued in Boston and now preserved in the Emmet Collection of the New York Public Library, describes in detail the arms and accouterments of that day. [More]