The Best Defense

They're bound and determined to prove the adage true. [Read]

In the Can

Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL) is now collecting canned goods at all of their meetings and events. [More]
Good idea.

When I was still living in LA, a friend at our NRA Members Council organized blood drives. Or you could adopt a highway, or do a women's shelter Christmas gift collection, or...

There are all kinds of simple ways to show people who we really are.

Thing Along with Mitch

I was under the weather this weekend and did not post--many of you sent me the story about the idiot subversive judge who said you cannot resist unlawful entry by police, and my first reaction was to see who was primarily responsible for elevating that wretched fraud to a position of power.

Turns out it was Mitch Daniels who foisted this judicial thing on us, and who offered this as his reason why: 
The governor said that from Judge David, he heard “the clearest expression of commitment to proper restraint in jurisprudence and deep respect for the boundaries of judicial decision-making. He will be a judge who interprets, rather than invents our laws.”
I'd hate to see who came in second.

Daniels has been OK on some RKBA stuff, but he's one of those "enforce existing gun laws" types rather than someone who actually understands the issue.

Vox Day has more, including:
And Daniels has thus far remained silent on the issue, when anything short of an abject apology for David's appointment combined with a demand for David's immediate resignation, and the resignation of the other two judges who sided with David, is absolutely necessary for him to remain a credible governor, let alone a president.

How can law enforcement tell if crime scene guns were ‘walked’?

"Are you telling me, Mr. Melson, that ATF has no records of the serial numbers and descriptions of the Project Gunrunner firearms that would enable any other law enforcement agency, domestic or foreign, to identify them in its own data bases as crime guns?" [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report  shows how Congress--and importantly, state attorneys general--may be able to crack open a jar of slippery electric eels.

Why not send the link to your federal and state representatives--and ask them what they intend to do to ensure that information is not being deliberately withheld from those investigating violent crimes...?

Swimsuit Competition

Lucky Gunner is having a beauty contest of sorts, and it looks like I'm in the running. You can vote here for all the various categories.

Thanks and all.  If I did this to be popular, I'd be writing about Justin Bieber. But what the heck, a nod is as good as a link, and they give both.

I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for. I'm leaning toward John Richardson, because he does a good job of bridging the oft-contentious divide between Threepers and Prags and getting needed information into both camps.  Yeah, what the hell. Done.

By the way, years back, I actually did buy a can of Olde Frothingslosh, "the pale stale ale with the foam on the bottom."

This Day in History: May 16

The present situation of public affairs demands your most serious attention, and particularly the great and increasing depreciation of your currency requires the immediate, strenuous and united efforts of all true friends to their country, for preventing an extension of the mischiefs that have already flowed from that source. . . .[More]


Blogger status indicates they have restored most of the dumped posts, but not for WarOnGuns (or Sipsey Street of Armed and Safe or...)

Perhaps I simply need to learn patience, but at this point I'm cynical that I will see it again.

Here's hoping I am proven demonstrably wrong.