Wednesday, May 25, 2011

GRE Round Up for May 25

Quick links tonight--we had storms, a tornado watch and a power outage, and a good part of the yard is now a pond. Fortunately it appears area damage is minimal and no injuries are being reported on the news.

Kurt Hofmann 
Dave Workman 

Tell ATF to Fight Assault Rifle Smuggling to Mexico!

We have been telling them that, you idiot. [Read]

We've even asked you fanatics to put your hatred, mistrust and zealotry aside and join us in this basic matter of truth and justice.

That you won't should tell everyone all they need to know about you, and how serious you are at "fighting gun crime," as opposed to just disarming everyone without a badge for your own collectivist purposes.

"The Brady Campaign to Ignore the Project Gunwalker Scandal" indeed.

[Via Kevin Starrett]

When are 'pro-gun Democrats' going to demand Gunwalker hearings?

Was Brian Terry a Republican or Democrat? Should it matter?

Why are both of you not vocal about this, leading in the demand for testimony, for production of evidence, for cooperation with investigations, and for determining just what the hell happened and just who the hell authorized it? [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner open letter to Max Baucus and Jon Tester ought to tell us everything we need to know about them if and when they respond.

Help build the needed pressure to make that happen by sharing the link?

This Day in History: May 25

Just now I have rec authentic Intelligence of the disposition of the Enemy, one of my men who left the Shawanese Towns six days ago, informs me that in Ten days from the day he came away the Wyondots, Shawanese and Mingoes with Some English, with four pieces of Cannon were to march for Fort Lawrens. [More]