I hope he doesn't make a habit out of taking early morning canoe trips.

I wonder if he's let his bosses know there's an envelope secreted away somewhere to be opened in case he can't...?

Killer App

I wonder when some subversive political nitwit is going to introduce a bill demanding we do this with--what would we call them, iGuns? [Read]

Patrol Rifles

Words have meaning and power, and can be used especially insidiously when the intent is to prompt opinions from people who don’t even know they’re being manipulated—and that can include naive journalists. [More]
Or ones who damn well know better.

My latest Guns Magazine "Rights Watch" column is up.

As is the complete digital edition.

Wide Receivers

That cramming caused the antennae to be folded, reducing the effective range of the tags. [More]
That and the smugglers being followed knowing it, and running around until the surveillance planes run out of gas...

I can just hear the dialog during RFID installation:
Why you...
[Via No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money]

I Resemble That Remark

Walrus Hunting on Trigger Sports Live...? [Read]

I mean, here it is Noon and I haven't even had breakfast yet, and I'm getting ready to do several hours of physical labor via yard work and...

Y'know, up until around age 30, I couldn't get past 175 Lbs. to save my life...when I was a lifeguard the summer after high school, I used to wear my windbreaker on duty because I was so damn skinny.

Ah well, as we say up here on the ice floes, "Goo-goo-goo-joob!"

We're the Ones "We Don't Need No Warrants" Enough

We aint got no warrants.
We don't need no warrants.
I don't have to show you any stinking warrants? [Watch]
Seems I've heard that dialog before...Anyway, looks like standard protocol to me, so the fault must lie elsewhere.

What mistake did the mother make?  Anyone?

[Via Fat White Man]

Resistance Radio

The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance airs this morning on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM Scottsdale, AZ at 7:00 a.m. Pacific/10:00 a.m. Eastern and all points around and in-between. On today’s program:
  • More Quigley Down Under
  • Who knows more about guns than Authorized Journalists?
  • Guess who was jovial about walked guns endangering lives?
  • Guest Jeff Knox-Firearms Coalition
  • Gunwalker update with Mike Vanderboegh
Click here to listen live. I'm still working with them to get archives up on the site.

UPDATE: This comment was just left on my Facebook page for those of you who understand such things:
"I have been listening to War On Guns radio on my Android phone with TuneIn. They have free players for iPhone, Palm WebOS, Android, Windows Phone, Roku, and more. Shortcut to NBC 1260 on the TuneIn site:"
Another UPDATE:
"I also listen to War On Guns radio on Linux. I open gnome-mplayer and select Open Location and use which is the URL from the 1260 web page Listen Live link. I do have the w32codecs package installed, so you might make sure you do, if it doesn't play the stream for you."
Some people make me feel so old.

Anti-gun congressman: Gunwalker shows need to give ATF more power

Well, I guess anyone who represents people who on average are so stupid they continually vote for him and give him power to con them out of their rights might be conditioned to think that way. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows a subversive punk for what he is.

Also watch a re-run and listen live.

Share the link?

This Day in History: June 16

Fearful of being caught between General Moultrie’s militia and Lincoln's army General Prevost fortified a position at Stono Ferry. On June 16th, he withdrew most of his troops by boats to Savannah leaving behind a regiment of Hessians, a battalion of Scots, and a Tory regiment of 900 men. [More]