Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Issa to ATF's Hoover: There will be no retaliation against whistleblowers

"The Committee relies on whistleblowers to conduct unvarnished and thorough oversight," Issa explained. "During a meeting on May 5, 2011, you assured my staff that ATF leadership would see to it that witnesses would not suffer for choosing to have communications with our staff. "[More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at a letter no one should have to send.  That Issa felt compelled to should tell us all we need to know.

Resistance Radio for June 22

My special guest today will be Dr. John Lott, economist, scholar and author of “More Guns, Less Crime.” Also find out how to “friend” the Taliban, find out why Democrats are not at all pleased with Obama, and watch some piranhas devour each other while Mike Vanderboegh pushes a lapdog into the feeding frenzy.

Join me this morning at 7:00 AM Pacific/10:00 AM Eastern and all points around and in between on “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance” NBC1260 Scottsdale, or from your computer at, where you can also click on the WoG graphic to download previous shows (updated each day at 6:00 PM Pacific).

Also note: I’ve posted the Saturday “encore” schedule here.

UPDATE: Those of you who noticed Mike V. did not appear as announced, no worries--he was stuck in a traffic jam in a lousy cell reception area.  I had to ad-lib and hope my substitute baton-twirling act worked. It was either that or the dancing poodles.

‘Paper of record’ should recognize hypocrisy better than most

It’s not liberal bias? And the mighty “Authorized Journalists” at The New York Times can find nothing new to report, but a couple of mere “bloggers” can come up with fresh finds on an almost-daily basis? But they somehow have the resources to jump on the gun control bandwagon—even though it’s not a scoop and every regressive rag and network out there is parroting the talking points from the Brady Campaign and the new Feinstein/Schumer/Whitehouse report?

Another damn lie. This is my shocked face. Talk about hypocrisy locked and loaded. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes there are lies, damned lies, and The New York Times.

Help correct the [paper of] record by sharing the link?

This Day in History: June 22

The act of the General Assembly passed on June 22, 1779, which established the Virginia Land Office, also provided for the awarding of bounty lands for specified Revolutionary War military service. The purpose of the bounty land system was to encourage longer military service. In order to qualify for bounty land, a soldier or sailor had to serve at least three (3) years continuously in the State or Continental Line or State Navy. Militia service did not count. The process of obtaining bounty lands was lengthy, and, in many cases, land speculators acquired the right to the land from the veteran or his heirs. [More]