Friday, June 24, 2011

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Castle Doctrine, UK-style...[Read]

This just says it all: 
“I don’t want to be drawn into a detailed debate about the law. That is not my job”.

Cefalu on Fox Tonight

From CleanUpATF:
Who: ATF Special Agent Vince Cefalu
What: Appearing on Fox's National Cable Television Program America's Nightly Scoreboard
When: TODAY! 6:05 eastern / 3:05 pacific
Where: Nationwide on your television.
Why: Because ATF retaliated against Cefalu for blowing the whistle in the face of  Congressional warnings and DOJ representatives stating that this never happens
How: Because ATF management does not care what anyone says, tells them to do or the law states
Background information: Breaking: ATF heeds Issa's 'no retaliation' warning by...retaliating

Don't Think of It as "Tone Deaf"

Think of it as "Morality Challenged." [Read]

Mr. Lennon
?  Matter of fact, why not open this link in a separate tab and have it playing in the background while you read the above post?

Resistance Radio: Join the Resistance!

Speaking of guns and racism, my special guest today will be Rev. Kenn Blanchard, the “Black Man with a Gun.” Tune in to The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance, this morning at 7:00 Pacific/10:00 Eastern and all points around and in between on NBC 1260/96.1, Scottsdale, or just go to and click "Listen Live."

And for weekend listeners, check out tomorrow’s schedule for encores. Plus, they are now posting program MP3s to download every night by 6:00 pm Pacific/10:00 pm Eastern. Click on the WarOnGuns logo at the above link.

Top Chi-Town cop invokes Orwellian definition of racism to disarm citizenry

“I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of African-American history in this country, and tell me if I’m crazy,” McCarthy continued, “Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms into our urban centers, across this country, that are killing black and brown children.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary connects those dots and concludes yeah, he is. Either that or...