Shocking Breaking Gunwalker News!

The ABC15 Investigators have uncovered new information showing weapons linked to a questionable government strategy are turning up in crimes in Valley neighborhoods. [More]
Not that--hell, we expected that. Still to be determined: How many deaths have happened/will still happen on THIS side of the border, as if we'll ever know.

The shocker is ABC News is reporting on it.

New Eminem video continues entertainment industry’s ugly portrayal of guns

No, what strikes me as curious about this piece—aside from the profound hypocrisy of the music industry when it comes to guns—is the gun itself used in the video: Is it real or is it a prop? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column makes note of a bad rap.

This Day in History: June 27

There is a man on York Island living on or near the North River, of the name of George Higday who I am told hath given signal proofs of his attachment to us, & at the same time stands well with the enemy. -- If upon inquiry this is found to be the case (and much caution should be used in investigating the matter, as well as on his own account as on that of Higday) he will be a fit instrument to convey intelligence to me while I am on the west side of the North River, as he is enterprising and connected with people in Bergen County who will assist in forming a chain to me, in any manner they shall agree on. [More]

Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

  • Attack of the Underpants Gnomes!
  • Headlines
  • Kwame, How I Love Ya, How I love Ya, My Dear Old Kwame!
  • SAF sues NYC
  • Aloha, Only Ones!
  • Howard Hughes' Gun
  • Oathkeepers: Stewart Rhodes Interview
  • Bedside Gun Rack
  • Best Gunwalker Cartoon: Chris Muir Interview

Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."

Archives are here.  It looks like they're going to post by the week and replace the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date.