Monday, September 12, 2011

Thunderbawl Redux

So guns are cool 'n all when you have a movie to plug. [Watch]

When you don't,  they lose their appeal.
"It is said that a total ban on handguns, including .22s, would take away innocent pleasure from thousands of people," Connery announced. "Is that more or less pleasure than watching your child grow up?"
I guess it makes sense if you prefer your Bond girls shaken, not stirred:

[Via Say Uncle]

A Conditioned Response

Hoplophobia, that is...[Watch]

Scare 'em early and scare 'em often.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise

As proves to be the case so often, the comments are more revealing than the story. [Read]:
It is high time these devices were classified as firearms and only allowed to people who had a good and proper reason for them, with heavy penalties for improper possession. Otherwise they will soon get into the hands of people who will abuse them and use them as dangerous weapons.

- Geoff, Chichester; UK, 08/9/2011 17:37
You go Geoff. That's the problem with you lot. You're just too bloody free to make your own choices.

Trust us with a battery-powered light? Are you daft?
Please sir, I want some more.

Chains. I can still wiggle me pinkies.

We're the Only Ones Ghost Busters Enough

In June, the New Orleans Police Department received a federal grant that provides overtime pay to officers who help enforce seatbelt laws. Police salaries being what they are, the grant drew the attention of many officers, including one Glenn Gross.

Gross apparently issued the 215 tickets to "phantom motorists" in three months since the grant funds were awarded. Details of how he accomplished that feat haven't been released, but since he works in the department's information technology division... [More]
Ah yes--the federalization of "law enforcement"--and what's this "police salaries being what they are"...?

Care to factor in benefits and pension, and that you can retire younger than practically anyone in the private sector?  And since when is that an excuse, except among those who advocate "To each according to his need"?

We're the Only Ones Directing Enough

Or not. [Read]

But don't you try it.

Because you're not an "Only One."

We'd much rather you all die in car crashes.  Besides, do you have any idea how much intensive professional training it takes? Have you seen what those teenagers guiding you on where to park at special events and amusement parks have to go through?

[Via Mack H]

And Remember...

"They" hate us because we're free! [Read]

[Via Skip]

Department of Justice responds to FOIA follow-up on Grassley Gunwalker briefing

Finally, thank you for advising me of my right to pursue resolution in federal district court if I am dissatisfied with your action on my appeal. If that should happen, please be advised it would also be my intent to continue to provide public exposure of this pursuit, as well as to advise my elected representatives of the prolonged efforts I have made to date and the responses I have received. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a stone wall still in place, albeit with some cracks showing due to continued erosion. 

This Day in History: September 12

French forces under the command of Admiral Charles Henri D'Estaing land at Beaulieu, a plantation south of Savannah. [More]