Friday, September 16, 2011

Credit Where Due

I linked to this great and outrageously true graphic some time back and just received a request to source the originator.  I've done the standard Google search but it appears everyone posting it got it from somewhere, but who put it together remains a mystery, to me at least.

If you know, please leave a comment and link.


Jeff Knox brings some perspective and actual manufacturing knowledge to the manufactured hysteria. [Read]


If by that they mean unintentionally locked up by design... [Read]

Oh, and look: Rather than admit they're buffoons, they "did something very 21st Century."

Except the principle of historical revisionism for political purposes is actually very 20th Century, and no surprise, mastered by their ideological forebears.

We're the Only Ones Prickly Enough

Mom Says Prickly School Cop Killed Her Son [More]
I saw some teenagers fighting some years back at the bus stop outside elder feral son Uday's preschool as I dropped him off. That's the kind of stuff adults shouldn't tolerate. I simply got out of my car, walked up to them and calmly but firmly told them to stop, which they did. 

It just never occurred to me that I could simply shoot them.  But then, I'm not a trained and prickly professional with a record of serial reprimands.

[Via William T]

Angry citizens arm in defiance of order- no one killed!

The one acting lawlessly here, unsurprisingly, is the government official usurping powers not granted to him. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary applauds a wonderful example of armed civil disobedience.

This Day in History: September 16

On September 16, 1779, the Siege of Savannah began during the American Revolution. [More]